
Showing posts from October, 2020

Wildfire Fundraiser

  The Wildfire Fundraiser was last week from 10/12 to 10/16! We raised $209 overall, and we are donating it to the Red Cross disaster relief fund .  Here are some things we think went well:  Raised $209! Graphics look really good Good communication with Admin What could be improved: More class participation from ASB beyond of just posting on stories Ex. encouraging friends to donate, donating  Barely any participation in the IG challenges Paypal made it difficult to donate and probably deterred a lot of people People were pretty uninterested in the dares because of so many social media spams/challenges lately We wanted to give people a small break from the posting because we just had multiple challenge weeks in a row and it was pretty overwhelming, waited a few weeks after fires died down to give a break in between story challenges, but the cause wasn’t as urgent or pressing anymore Thanks guys!

hearts week planning

 hi ASB! please put any additional ideas/questions/suggestions/comments/concerns about hearts week in the comments below.  here's the link for the notes farhaan took:  thank you guys!