Wildfire Fundraiser


The Wildfire Fundraiser was last week from 10/12 to 10/16! We raised $209 overall, and we are donating it to the Red Cross disaster relief fund

Here are some things we think went well: 

  • Raised $209!

  • Graphics look really good

  • Good communication with Admin

What could be improved:

  • More class participation from ASB beyond of just posting on stories

  • Ex. encouraging friends to donate, donating 

  • Barely any participation in the IG challenges

  • Paypal made it difficult to donate and probably deterred a lot of people

  • People were pretty uninterested in the dares because of so many social media spams/challenges lately

  • We wanted to give people a small break from the posting because we just had multiple challenge weeks in a row and it was pretty overwhelming, waited a few weeks after fires died down to give a break in between story challenges, but the cause wasn’t as urgent or pressing anymore

Thanks guys!


  1. hi clink!! it's super hard with everything being online, but i think overall you guys did a good job with this project! i agree that the graphics were super cute and well done, and the bingo blackout challenge was a really creative idea! however, i do agree that it would be more effective to do this event later in the year, because asb has been spamming a lot on social media, and the cause was not as urgent as before. i know that lynbrook jalwa did some kind of donation bingo thing a while ago, and i hope we can use that same format in future fundraisers!! about paypal and the venmo issue, that is not really something that is in your control, but i hope in the future we can use venmo!! that would make things a lot more convenient for students to donate, but again, that is something that asb cant do anything about.

  2. Hey guys! There were so many obstacles that you had to overcome for this event, but I think you did a really great job. I think that one of the biggest problems was the lack of momentum in the beginning of the event. After the first round of Instagram stories had disappeared, there wasn't much left to engage with and people kind of forgot about it. Also, I think that posting instructions for donating and the actual dares on separate days may have caused some confusion, but that's not a big deal. I definitely think that people were suffering from social media burnout and were turned off by having to use PayPal, which is something that ASB will have to be mindful of moving forward. Overall though, I think this was a really beneficial event, and you did a great job with it. :)

  3. Hey Clink! I agree that running such a novel concept on such a difficult year was likely super difficult, but I thought you guys did a fantastic job doing it! I think the most difficult aspect was that the "promotion" was essentially the actual event itself (i.e Insta graphics and dares), making it so that there was no hype or real awareness that this stuff was happening. Maybe next time, in the PR video or something like that, you could show an example of an ASB member completing a dare offered in Instagram, building some hype around the event. Overall, I thought that you handled it really well! Stories are kind of unreliable since they only stay up for a set amount of time, so maybe you could designate a couple of people to be really committed and post directly on their Insta account for greater reach. Other than that, you guys adapted really great, and the cause you championed was fantastic. Keep it up!

  4. hi clink! Collecting $209 is so great! I think you guys did a great job with what you had in this online environment. I'm sure collecting money was a lot more complicated, and it was also because of this that they event was delayed until after the fires calmed. Now that we know how to set up online payment though, I'm sure this event will do even better in the future :) Also, maybe we could've asked admin to send an email to the students and parents so more people knew to donate. Great job clink, and keep up the awesome work!

  5. hi clink! I thought this was a great idea and had particular interest from students as it was relevant to our situation. Great job overall with this event! I liked how there were different challenges for people in ASB with varying donation amounts. However, I think you should run the challenges by ASB next time. Some of them may have been hard for people to complete. For example, someone who doesn't listen to music often will struggle to provide a spotify playlist. Other than that, loved it!

  6. hi clink! i thought that the wildfire fundraiser was an interesting idea, and having dares was a good incentive to motivate people to donate. however, i agree with the others, that the timing was not the best, as the student body has been tired of story spam, and by the time the fundraiser started the issue of wildfires was a lot less prevalent in the news + social media. i also think that from what i recall, some of the dares were oddly priced and it was not really clear if they were going to be posted on instagram or only shown to the person who donated. i think that it would have been good to think of different dares or possibly ask the asb class for more suggestions of dares to make them more appealing to students.

  7. Hey Clink! This was a really good idea, especially because it branched out to help others in need during a pretty big natural disaster. I feel that story spam in general tends to get overwhelming (I've heard that a lot of students start to mute ASB member's stories), especially if it's done a lot in a small amount of time. The dares were a nice creative touch but I felt that it could be useful in the future to find other incentives to get students to donate. Maybe some sort of thing that motivates everyone to chip in together to reach a certain goal (e.g. if we raise $1000 as a school then we will have _____). Keep it up!

  8. hi clink!!

    amazing job with this project, you guys did a great job executing it despite factors that weren't in your favor! as for future charity events, here are some ideas that may allow them to go smoother:

    - think of prizes that you as a student would like to see despite it being virtual (at miller, we let the top donator in one of our fundraisers pie a teacher, and that was so exciting in person but it was mainly because of the crowd of people watching it together and watching it live, so online we wouldn't be able to experience the hype). maybe try working w admin to create larger prizes for a larger goal (e.g. longer lunch for a day, longer breaks for a week, etc. if $1000 donated)

    - not sure if you did this, but create a video explaining the depth of the situation to viewers and post on insta, have homerooms watch it, etc. have students talk and have visuals because that will allow people to relate more on a personal level. last school year, because a lot of the smoke was in our area, people donated a lot to our wildfire fundraiser at miller so visuals and understanding the seriousness of what's going on helps the fundraiser a lot!

    hope that helped :))

  9. Hi Clink!

    Nice job with the fundraiser! It was great that you were able to raise $209 considering that this was virtual and many people were tired of the frequent ASB events during that time. To encourage more people to participate you could perhaps add this to the app and we could have live updates of the amount of money raised rather than just showing the end result, so that people know our donation progress during the week. By utilizing the app, you also add a simple incentive, which is that people will be able to earn spirit points by donating. I think the dares part of the fundraiser was a creative idea, but perhaps instead of having people individually contacting ASB members to do the dare, you could have a designated dare when the total amount donated has reached a certain checkpoint. As mentioned above by others, the dares were a bit confusing because it was unclear how it would work. Other than that, fantastic job!

  10. Hey Clink!

    Good work with the wildfire fundraiser! I agree with some of the factors you mentioned: the fundraiser was right after the very popular Battle of the Classes and some students may have been partially desensitized from social media and school events after that. Some of the main logistical takeaways I got from this (with the benefit of hindsight) were the difficulty of timing and the importance of a strong impetus for donations to fundraisers. In terms of timing, while we often talk about "spacing out" events in ASB, I think this time we saw that "spacing out" means more than just temporally separating any two events with a weekend; rather, we need to have a better-planned system in general in which we know which low and high-intensity events we plan to do at least a month ahead of time. That way we don't place two high-intensity events adjacent to each other. Additionally, future fundraisers may benefit from involving staff as well as students, as Tino and Monta Vista do. Finally, it may be helpful for us to plan generic "breaking news" fundraisers for the futures, ones in which we have plans for a quick fundraiser set up already so that when an emergency happens, we don't need to spend weeks planning logistics (as we ended up doing for the wildfire fundraiser.)

    Overall great job on the fundraiser though!

  11. Hey Clink!!

    Overall great job! I think that the intentions were super good and being virtual this event was super hard to pull off but you guys brought it all together! I think like many others I believe that this event occurred in kind of a weird period. Not only were the fires dying down but also students were indeed very burnt out from seeing ASB taking over their Instagram's. In terms of payment processing I feel it might have been easier if donors donated through the ASB site or some other medium and then ASB would deliver dares to the individuals for whom they were intended. Other than that however, the event was super well intended and $209 is a huge amount!

  12. Hello Clink!

    I think you guys were spot on with this fundraiser. I remember how intense the fires were this year and you guys stepping up to help is really really important. One thing thats important to keep in mind is how difficult it is to get people to donate online. Also, by having challenges, I think it almost makes it seem like people are paying for dares instead of donating to a really great cause. So something that you could have done was spend a lot of time before the actual event really highlihgting the damages to done to the community through things like graphics and maybe interviews with teachers, who some I know were directly affected. Hope this helps


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