
 hello guys!

last week, we distributed vikepounds and finished the process for this year. despite being online, we had fairly good sales (lower than previous years, but we increased the price to $20 so that made up some of the difference). please let us know what you thought of the process, from ordering to distribution!

issues: typos, spreadsheet issues, masks weren't printed on original shirts, some people didn't pick theirs up, distribution time was wrong on promo, took a while (had to send shirts back + figure out socially distanced distribution process)


- spirit <3


  1. Hey Spirit!

    First things first, I wanna commend you guys on doing a really great job. I can't imagine how difficult it was to coordinate shirt sales in the pandemic. Having done sales one year, I understand how much of a hassle it was during regular school and I cannot imagine it being done in these circumstances. I know there was some issues with the masks not being printed on the Vikepounds, but I believe issues like that are beyond the reach of ASB. Instead, you guys made it work with scheduling and planned a safe and effective pickup! However, some things I would lookout for is promotion. The promotion request to announce pickup sales came in quite late and subsequently didn't give enough time for students to recognize it. In the future, I think planning promotion through multiple outlets like the instagram, announcements, and email blasts a week before would have given students ample time to allot times in their own schedules for shirts and would have allowed Spirit to avoid distribution problems.

  2. Hi Spirit,

    Overall it has been a pretty rough year just for distribution in general. I think you guys did really good giving out the shirts despite COVID really being a martyr in distribution. Personally, my experience coming to school and getting the shirt was a very smooth and seamless process and I could tell that you guys had everything under control. I also appreciate how you guys did your best to overcome the printing error that came with the shirts. From what I could see it wasn't really your fault and I think you guys took care of it. Some things I think could be improved for next time is information being a little easier to come across. I saw a lot of time inconsistencies in when we were supposed to come to school which I think could be a problem. Overall I think you guys made it work and I am very happy with my shirt!

    Regards, Peter Aguirre

  3. what's good spirit!

    i think you guys did amazing with the vikepounds this year. i think especially now there was a very high chance that people would be averse to the idea of buying school merchandise especially given the conditions we're currently in. i think that the price change to match the decrease in demand / purchase count was a really good idea to offset any changes that less purchases may have caused. one thing i think could be improved upon might be a surge in promotion / creative promo. by this i mean that maybe more students would have purchased vikepounds if there was a longer duration of time that they were advertised as well as through multiple medias. i still think you guys pulled through it successfully and did very well!

    far haan

  4. hihi spirit,

    i don't really have other years to compare it to, but i personally think vikepound went really smoothly! the timeline was a bit stretched out, but i understand that it was due to an error in the shirt-printing process. next time, you could have better communication with the student body. i think you guys did have mr. lee email ASB, but i'm not sure if you did to the larger student body. like letting them know why it's taking longer than usual.

    overall great job!
    - kyrsten

  5. Hey Spirit,

    Great job with vikepound distribution this year! I really liked the covid version of the shirt, I thought it was a really interesting way to put a twist on the shirts and give people to get an opportunity to get a different design with the same sentiment. I think the main issues that I saw was that people were confused about the times of distribution, we had some people who were texting the asb instagram asking about it. I think that more promo might have helped, but all in all props for pulling this off during quarantine; I think promo is definitely a lot easier when other students see a super long line coming out of the den at school :')

    Great job guys! :)

  6. hey spirit!

    Great job for pulling off the annual vikepound distribution (with a cool and extremely relevant twist, covid shirt edition). It definitely takes a lot of communication and coordination to plan for the design, student orders, vendor, and safe distribution. So KUDOS to you! I know sales may not have been as high as you hoped, but I think that is simply due to not being in school. Historically, it has been freshmen and sophomores who order vikepounds but they may not have been able to truly experience the viking spirit! Underclassmen classes have also seen a decrease in sales, so high shirt orders may be out of our reach. Next year, I would suggest coordinating with both 2024 and 2025 with shirt sales because students often will by either a class shirt or a vikepound. If sales are spaced out enough, students may buy both! Great job!


  7. hi spirit,

    I think you all did a great job especially considering all the difficulties of online school and making everything safe during a pandemic. Since the freshmen class don't really have that close of a connection to Lynbrook, I think that could've made it more difficult to sell shirts, but maybe more promotion could've helped to raise spirit around it. However, I really enjoyed the video in the pr video where Mr. Bale explained the history of the vikepound, I think implementing a similar thing for future vikepound sales would be nice. overall, great job!

  8. hey spirit!! huge kudos for still keeping up with vikepounds during this time! and its great that sales evened out to a similar amount!

    i don't have much to add but i wonder if promo could have been a little more deep. i'm not completely sure how much promo you guys had, but for example, reaching freshmen through link crew leaders, etc. might have made a difference. but as mentioned, freshmen don't have the same level of class spirit as the rest of the school so it's hard to convince them.
    in general, i also wonder if promo could have been amplified because i think if i were to ask my friends/classmates, they wouldn't have known sales were going on.

    overall, good job on another event!

  9. hey spirit!

    first off I just wanted to say congrats on successfully selling vikepounds this year! I saw your setup at the office and it all looked really well organized, everybody was socially distanced and following county guidelines, and it felt like a really smooth operation. Like everybody else, my only piece of advice would be to do some better advertisement. I think a couple extra graphics/maybe some reminders during homeroom could've been useful to boost sales. Specifically, I think that working with the 2024 CO team could've been really good, as I think most vikepound sales happen from freshman, so I think that if we have to do this while socially distancing again, that could be something we pursue better.

    outside of promo y'all killed it, good job!!

  10. hi spirit!!!

    i remember being in middle school and being super excited to go to lynbrook and wear a vikepound with my name on the back. i think vikepounds are a very important part of lynbrook spirit, and its great that you guys took on this project even though we're in the middle of the pandemic. however, i think that it would've been better to really emphasize the promo towards freshmen, as most sophomores, juniors, and seniors probably already own vikepounds, and are unlikely to purchase a second one. one way you could do this is by asking link crew leaders to tell their groups about vikepounds, or ask bio teachers, etc. since sales weren't that high this year, you could target both freshmen and sophomores and really emphasize how important vikepounds are during next years sales.

    good job on this event!

  11. hi spirit!!

    amazing job on the vikepounds! the mask idea was so cute and definitely encouraged sales this year. here are just a few tips that could've made the event run just a bit smoother:

    - possibly directing the marketing towards freshmen a bit more would've gotten more sales, since most upperclassmen already have their vikepounds. i'm realizing now that me and my 24 c/os should've posted on our facebook and insta accounts to promote it to freshmen a bit more, so sorry on my part about that! but in the future, we should look into posting flyers on the freshmen classes' social media accounts

    - throughout the process i got a lot of questions about arrival dates from students who had ordered them, so i think to avoid this, more updates could've been sent out regarding the change in pickup date

    other than that, i think the shirts turned out adorable and pickup seemed extremely organized when i went! y'all killed it!!



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