Senior Advice Video

hi everyone! as you know, we recently released the senior advice video and are still promoting it but would love to hear your feedback! an overview:

- featured 8 seniors with a variety of paths (naval school to community college to different majors)
    - it was difficult to find people doing some of the less "traditional" paths

- filmed at kevin moran
    - scheduled with google sheets

- we vetted their responses beforehand by asking them to send over messages

- released on may 21st!
    - instagram story spam
    - email from lee

- asked the following questions: 

  • What are your after high school plans?

  • Why did you choose to go down your path (college, gap year, etc.)?

    • When did you realize what you wanted to do? How?

  • How did you choose what college to apply to and your major?
  • What was your essay writing process like? What did you focus on content-wise (anecdotes, high school experience, etc.)?

  • If you could do high school again, what would you do differently?

  • How has COVID impacted your life? What advice do you have for underclassmen relevant to this?

  • Do you have any specific advice for people who want to follow your path?

if you comment after our outro you'll hear more about what went well and what could have been better, but overall, filming and contacting people was pretty smooth, but our timeline was a little cramped for editing and releasing the video! let us know any thoughts you have!


  1. good morning clink,

    I though you guys did a really good with the senior advice video and I thought it was interesting to see how other seniors chose various paths and approached the college admissions process
    Here are some thoughts:
    - I especially liked how you guys got people who are going to various colleges/paths. So it's not just all 4 year-colleges.
    - The different backgrounds were very fun and engaging. Except the wind would not coordinate. But anyway, love the backgrounds.
    - I noticed there were a few typos, but overall captions and editing was very good.

    yupppppp that's all. I thoroughly enjoyed this video.
    - Lindsey Lu

  2. hihi good jobbbb i genuinely enjoyed watching this video ahaha and i think it was super helpful for underclassmen!

    thank you for recognizing that there are so many different paths that you can take after high school, and the questions were also super helpful and relevant with regards to some of my own questions and concerns.

    filming outside at the park did make the overall vibe pretty comfortable and kind of made me feel like i was talking to each individual, but i did notice certain parts of the video where there was wind or external audio that cut off what the person was saying. in the future, maybe try finding a more secluded location surrounded by trees or something that can block out wind, if possible.

    overall, i thought the senior advice video was fun to watch and a good use of resources while providing a platform for seniors to reflect on their high school experience.

    - sydnie

  3. hey again....

    good job to all of you sarah vijaya marissa rachana on this video -- i'm glad SAV is back! it was a really thoughtful video i like when a lot of students outside ASB are in a video and i thought it was a nice parallel to the freshman advice video in the beginning of the year. i really liked the colors in the video and the location! the cramped timeline probably made filming a little rushed so we'll watch out for that next year and use a great job again!

  4. hey clink!

    The senior advice video was very informative - good job in diversifying the interviewed students with different post high school plans. I loved the consistent setting of the video as each senior was speaking in front of a green and sunny background (simplicity makes it easier to follow!).

    Regarding the interview, I think you should include the following questions: when did you first decide that this was the right path for you? what steps did you take to accomplish your goals?
    I think the answers to these questions could be valuable as students can general idea of when different students commit to certain paths. It could also help them plan their next few year(s).

    Overall great job!

  5. Hi again Clink,

    I think this was a very cool project! To see so many different seniors give out information about how to traverse the end years of high school was really great. It was nice to see less traditional paths be highlighted as well. It was recorded nicely and I think it ended up being a really great end product!


  6. Hi Clink,

    Great job on the Senior Advice Video! I really appreciated that you guys specifically chose to include more than just the pre-dominant traditional four-year college path to cover in this video — that makes this video much more useful for anyone considering other paths. It was a bit windy but overall everything was still understandable and the video was great!

    Again, nice work!

    i loved the senior advice video and was super happy that the students chosen all had a unique and diverse path. this helps remind people that 4yr college is not the only option! the content was great but i think the issue was filming. it was hard to understand what some people were saying because the mic would pick up the wind instead of their responses. as carolyn mentioned in asb a while ago, make sure to check the weather and see when is the most ideal time to film. overall, i greatly enjoyed watching the video and good job!
    - esha :))

  8. Hey clink!

    The video was AMAZING, and as a rising senior it was super helpful! I especially loved how you guys showcased such a myriad of paths which really helped showcase that a there are other options that may be more practical and/or better suited to what you want to do in the future other than a 4 year college. I think in the future it would also be super cool to potentially do a question sticker on Instagram or a Google form where underclassmen/rising seniors can ask questions to be answered by the seniors. Other than that I really loved the video and it was super helpful for me and other underclassmen alike!

    Great job!
    - Aryan

  9. hey clink!!

    as an underclassman, i really appreciate the effort you guys went through to put together such a hopeful and wholesome video. while a lot of the speakers followed traditional paths, i think you guys did a great job of showing a diverse number of options that some students might not have known existed, which is certain to at least start a conversation about different paths. in the future, i think it would be a great idea to talk about topics that have less to do with college (even though, let's be honest, it's on all of our minds) and more about topics such as survival tips for lynbrook students, unique extracurriculars, etc.

    thank you guys for putting this together!

  10. Hey Clink!

    Great job on the senior advice video! The advice that was given was definitely super helpful, informative, and new, so thank you for putting together such a valuable resource! I think in the future we can also try to incorporate a document-based fact sheet or some sort of other resource in addition to the video to distill down the information for quicker access in addition to the long-form video interviews that are still super helpful! I also definitely agree with Aryan that having audience input on some of the questions would be amazing as well. Overall, fantastic job on the senior advice video!

    - Tim

  11. hi clink!

    first off, really great video. as an underclassman, its so comforting and informative to have this kind of resource about the future. the diversity was great (albeit no gap years) and they all seemed very well spoken!

    i think that if this is to be continued in the future (which it totally should be), there'd be even more diversity for the video. having students personally reach out to alumni they know could be helpful as well.

    overall great video!

  12. Hi Clink,
    As everyone else has already mentioned, I really liked that there were many different college paths showcased in the video. The time stamps in the description were also helpful. My one critique would be footage and audio quality. There were a lot of clips that were really shaky, or corrected which made the background shaky, so if possible to use a tripod. Additionally, there was a lot of wind noise, so to use an external mic with a filter. But in the end, these factors do not distract much from the informative content of the video.

  13. hey clink!!

    though I do agree with a lot of commentors that it’s a good idea to show diversity of paths, I recall you talking about how hard it was to find people on these non-traditional paths. I think something that could be helpful is remembering your user base: though it is good to remind them of alternatives, most Lynbrook students will go to an American 4-year university. perhaps having a couple more people who give advice on that path (as it’s the one they’re most likely to take) in fields other than the ones showcased could be good!

    good job overall!!


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