Lynbrook Rejoicing In Rejection!

 Hey ASB!

I know that our class discussion regarding the "rejection board" (not keeping that name) was very long and went past the allotted time, so I wanted to give you all a chance to say anything that you may have missed out on during class!

Here are some of the items that were discussed in 3rd period itself:



- Add quote with rejection


- Anonymous submission form?

    - Names blurred or cropped during submission

    - Are all going to be censored or just some that wanted to


- Talk to school psychologist

    - See how much of a positive / negative environment this idea contributes to

    - Does the purpose fit something good or not


- People write unsavory things about the college when they are writing things


- Add a "next 4 years" or where people are going to the college rejection board

    - Concerns about adding a whole extra event (?)


Thank you for your ideas and help with creating a new and fun experience for Lynbrook students!!!


  1. One thing that might help with planning is if you look up "College Rejection Board" on Google and read about how Gunn and Palo Alto's have evolved over the past decade.

    I also agree that we should phrase the name as more of a "missing out" or positive-connotation kind of board rather than a rejection board.

    As for name blurring, I'd assume most people will already remove their names when submitting (letters only have your name at the top.) If someone doesn't, we can double-check with them before proceeding.

  2. Hello! Just to elaborate on the " - Concerns about adding a whole extra event (?)" it was going off of what someone else had said about having a more "positive" event to counter it or asking alumni where they're at after maybe not being admitted to their then "dream school".

  3. Hey pr!!

    I still think that this is a great idea and does help bring everyone together, showcasing that not everything is always perfect ,and that's fine! (something Lynbrook students forget quite a bit lol). I think that adding a positive connotation is also a phenomenal idea, and as long as we monitor every comment that is made on letters I think the event is rather smooth in terms of liability(I hope?). Good luck and I can't wait to see Lynbrook wall of " what colleges are missing out on" :)

  4. Hey PR!

    I definitely agree that the board should have a positive connotation like many of the others have noted, and I think one specific suggestion I definitely agree with is checking in with the psychologist and other adults to see if the board will have a positive effect. As for the messages on the board that can be written, I think a certain degree of censorship is going to be required, so an anonymous submission form sounds like a good idea, and I feel like names should just be default censored/blurred automatically.

    I would also definitely check with Gunn and Palo Alto like Michael mentioned! I look forward to the project!

  5. Hi!

    First of all, I love the new name! I think this event is definitely meaningful, and the way you guys are directing it (to rejoice in rejection) makes it all the more better. As an underclassmen, I don't think seeing these things is discouraging but rather, it puts things into perspective of how common and normal rejection is. I think here at Lynbrook, the fear of failure is quite prevalent, so seeing this board might actually help underclassmen in being okay with rejection.

    For the board, I think keeping things anonymous is definitely the way to go (unless its worked for other schools differently) just because it's easier to share things anonymously, and I think it'd help with participation :)

    - Emma

  6. Hey pr!

    I think that the Rejoicing in Rejection idea was a great idea and served a really good purpose to help underclassmen see and get over their fears of rejection. Keeping things anonymous was a good move as well. I noticed that the rejection board started off really strong but began to fizzle out towards the end. I think for next year you guys should also try to do a final unveiling of the board for the entire school to see at the end so that we can all admire it. Great job overall!!

  7. hey pr!!

    i really liked this idea! i feel like it's a really good way to express anger/sadness/stress during college decision season. i think the biggest concern for participating students is how anonymous their submission will be, but that also brings up the concern that if it's too anonymous people may spam the site, so a form or some sort of anonymous submission site (similar to tellonym?) that then gets filtered out by asb students and then is posted is probably the way to go! the process may be tedious depending on how popular the event is, so definitely something to try out.

    really great idea overall! i think it'll be a hit:)



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