spring movie night

hey asb!!

the movie night last friday was social's first in-person of the year and we're happy to see that people had fun! thank you to everyone who came to our movie night and a huge shout out to all the volunteers for making sure that the event runs smoothly :)

here's our reflection and we would love you hear your feedback!!

What went well:
- Check in: had 2 tables and socially distanced lines -> efficient and students were able to enter quickly
- People had fun and got to see their friends
- Good practice (handling equipment, setting up, etc) for tech, social, and part of new tech
- Online promotion: instagram & schoology blasts -> 52 sign ups
- Turn out: 42 students came and the 75 people max cap was met (incl. volunteers)
- Ticket registration: students used a google form and a website to select seats

What did not go so well:
- Projector cable was broken -> resorted to a weaker projector 
- Some people were trying to leave in the middle of the movie -> Liability issue?
- Sunlight was still present in the early parts of the movie (even when we started at 8:00pm instead of 7:45pm)
- Some confusion with reserving seats: students only filled out the website but not the Google form -> resolved through emailing
- Some people weren't social distancing but moved apart when reminded

What we learned:
- Host a rehearsal closer to the actual movie night time to make sure everything works (maybe even get back up equipment)
- Make sure to figure out the policy with leaving in the middle of the event & include it in the event info sheet


  1. hey social!

    thank you for all your hard work in holding the movie night! i think for the sunlight issue, in the future it might be better to just factor in a little extra time even after supposed sunset, because even at sunset it's usually still too bright. for reserving seats and not filling out the google form, maybe add a big reminder on the form for them to fill out both, or like some part where they have to confirm they did both. for the projector, as you said definitely checking if it works the day before might help and I think having backup equipment would be a good idea. for leaving in the middle, I think it's alright, just because technically in actual movie theaters you can leave, but they should probably be a checkout process. overall, great job!

    - katie

  2. hello social!

    great job with asb's first in person event of the year! a lot of people came, and people looked like they had a good time. i was there for setup and cleanup, and i think it went pretty smoothly. it was a smart idea to do a practice event with just asb, because i do feel like tech got good practice setting up equipment efficiently before the actual event.

    promotion was good! i think the system of the google form and website, email confrimation, adn the two tables was very smart and efficient. if sunlight is an issue, you could make movie night during winter which wasn't really possible this year, but that is something to think about in the future.

    that's all! good job


  3. hey hey hey!

    the first in person event of the year!! woot woot!! great work social, it turned out really really well!!

    from an outsiders perspective the only real problem was the projector issue which to some extend none of us could have predicted but could have maybe solved before if we started setup earlier or worked with the projector first to have maybe gotten the alternate cable before the movie started. it may have been distributing to the students with the small viewing screen but most students who actually wanted to watch were up front anyways so It didn't cause a huge issue! the time restriction was also the other problem as it was still somewhat bright when we started the movie but I don't know if there is a work around unless you place the screen underneath the cafeteria overhang???

    promo was good, even if it was only 50% filled; the check in and seating selection system was SUPER COOL!! and it looked like everyone had a good time!

    keep it up!
    - pranav

  4. SOCIAL:

    WHAT a great event. It's pretty cool that you all managed to create an in-person event and were so adaptable to the circumstances. While I didn't attend the actual event, I helped set-up the day before and here are a few things I noticed in terms of spacing and lay-out if we have to continue enforcing social-distancing next year as well.

    - Instead of providing a line for people to sit behind, I think it might be easier to use plastic cones (the short one's in the PE shed) and measure out the 6-ft boxes OR simply create a grid. You can have one person's job during the event be monitoring the quad area to make sure people aren't moving the cones and sitting closer to other's.
    - To fit more attendees, I think we should consider using the wings/strip on the left and right of the main quad grass area.
    - Set-up in the evening (if Mr.Lee is free) the day before instead of mid-day (it'll just be less hot)

    Other than that, the event looked great and I'm sure people really enjoyed it.

    - Kanav

  5. hi social!

    first, can i just say, that this was so much fun! i know that there was a problem with the projector at the beginning of the event, but you were able to get past that and everything went smoothly from there.

    second, ill admit that my group of friends was the group that tried to leave. we're so sorry and didn't mean to cause a disturbance, but that was on us for not thinking ahead. in the future, just to prevent that from happening again, you could specify in the email that it is a liability issue for students to leave during the movie. that way, they'll understand why they can't leave in the middle. again, sorry!

    finally, promo was good. i know personally how excited some students got when they heard about it!

    overall great job

  6. hi social!

    thank you for all your hard work planning this event! The movie night seemed like so much fun, and the promo was really good :)

    In regards to people leaving, I think because everyone is so spread out, the movement is very apparent, and it might cause other students to want to leave as well, but if we were to hold another movie night without social distancing, the action wouldn't be too disturbing. If it's a liability problem though, then I think it's okay to establish during sign ups that students may not leave in the middle of the event. That way, students will know not to leave, and stay safe.

    - Emma

  7. hi social!

    as somebody who was there at the event, I want to commend all of us on the quick thinking and problem solving (even if it turned out kinda meh) because in the end we were able to put together a somewhat successful movie!

    as you said at the bottom, i think that the best way to solve the problem would be to have a rehearsal closer, and in the future perhaps we can have one tech commissioner serve as a project lead as well? i don't know how big of an impact it would've had on this specific event, but I think having one tech member appointed to help lead & coordinate in person events, especially because they'll only need more and more help from tech as we shift closer to normal circumstances, and we'd be able to help with planning and coming up with contingencies for these situations in the future.

    that being said, y'all did a great job with the logistics, and it was a pleasure to work with you to make it happen!

    starting off by saying I went to movie night with my friend and it was a very fun time!! as someone who will probably not experience an in person ASB event again, i'm glad we got this :))

    couple of things:
    - i think making the places where people have to sit more clear, rather than a smaller strip of tape, would have helped to make it seem a bit more cohesive and to help with clean up, since the small pieces were hard to find.
    - i loved the website where we reserved tickets; as you guys said, it was a little confusing to have a google form and that so in the case we ever do online things like this again, having it consolidating on one website might be nice
    - i'm sure set up was already super busy and planning this was exhaustive, so just a suggestion, but in the future having things like fairy lights and making use of decor we have just to set the vibe a little more would be really cute

    generally speaking though, LOVED it, and im so grateful to have experienced one last in person ASB event :))
    <33 vijaya

  9. Hey social!

    Awesome job pulling off ASB's first in person event!! I think movie night was a great choice for this because it's been a popular event at Lynbrook throughout the years. The website ticket reservation was super cool and professional; I agree that the Google form made things extra confusing so for the future just one general sign-up spot would be best. The tech issues that arose couldn't be prevented so for the future I think just having a backup plan should suffice. For social distancing being broken and people leaving in the middle, just setting some ground rules during signups should be enough in the future. Overall, great job!!


  10. Hey social!
    I thought the movie night this year was super cool and well thought out. While I couldn’t attend, some improvement I thought up of to fix some of the issues you guys had was to make sign ups all in one place in order to avoid sign up confusion. In addition, in order to avoid the sunlight issue, it would probably be good to check when sunset is on days for the coming week and/or try to move movie nights to sooner in the year to dodge daylight savings. All in all, the movie night was super cool 😎

  11. Hi Social!

    Thank you guys for hosting the very first in-person social event of the year! I know it helped a lot in slowly moving things back to normalcy for a lot of people. For the issue with social distancing, I think it was inevitable that people would try to get closer to some friends. I'm not completely sure if you had this at the event but I know that some places make tape circles that are six feet apart. Having hard borders like that may psychologically keep people more inclined to follow social distancing. As for the light problem, I would recommend d starting the movie night close to an hour after sunset. Im sure you guys checked online for when sunset is but a lot of the time it is after that when it starts to get dark. Hope these suggestions helped!

  12. hellooo social!!

    this event was so much fun, even as a volunteer! i think students really enjoyed catching up w their friends in a safe way. some tips for future movie nights:

    - i think making the register process a bit simpler would encourage more students to sign up. you could also release a graphic with the steps clearly outlined so all steps are performed by the students who want to attend.

    - because of social distancing, i think it would've made set up for the check-in lines easier if there were pre-planned line pathways on a google drawing that we could follow.

    - additionally, a lot of people had questions about leaving procedures and when they would be allowed in that maple and i didn't know the answer to, so maybe in the future we can create a messenger group chat that all the volunteers are on. that's what miller used to do, as well, so it may make communication a bit smoother if we need to confirm any questions between us.

    overall, great event! i can tell people really enjoyed it, and we definitely need to have more of these next year!

  13. hi social!

    So proud of you guys for hosting the very first in person event of the year! It was smart to have a test run of the event where tech was able to practice setup. I agree that in the future, the register process can be made simpler so that students will be more willing to sign up. Although it was challenging to follow guidelines due to COVID, it was still a very successful event that the student body enjoyed!

    - Sarah Cheah


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