
Showing posts from December, 2020

The Viking Games

hi everyone! the viking games ended this past week, and social would like your feedback!! some things we thought went well: - lots of sign-ups/interest for the games - filming went pretty smoothly, not many tech issues - students/teachers had fun during games  - personally communicated with spirit/tech - second week of the minigames was very successful! lots of participation - using social media (+tagging) definitely helped participation - used emails, lynbrook app, @thevikingames for promotion what didn't work: - first week didn't have as much participation - could have worked with PR for graphics (but would possibly have been more inefficient due to last-minute changes) - some youtube videos were very long thanks, social <3

november pr vid !!

grettingz!! the  november pr vid was aired in homeroom 2 weeks ago. if you remember it we'd appreciate your feedback!! some things we thought went well: -all signups on time -filmed at murdock instead of rainbow to change up the scenery some things we thought did not go well: -lighting is inconsistent in winter and sometimes hard to fix in post  get your points! lol... <3 pr + tech