november pr vid !!


the november pr vid was aired in homeroom 2 weeks ago. if you remember it we'd appreciate your feedback!!

some things we thought went well:

-all signups on time

-filmed at murdock instead of rainbow to change up the scenery

some things we thought did not go well:

-lighting is inconsistent in winter and sometimes hard to fix in post 

get your points! lol...

<3 pr + tech


  1. hi pr + tech!

    great job on this month's video :) I thought filming at Murdock Portal was really nice because the lighting seemed to be better than at rainbow. I did get a little lost that day in trying to find the exact filming location, so maybe next time we switch, make sure to communicate the meet up location before hand. Otherwise, great job!

    - Emma

  2. Hi pr&tech!
    Good jobb november pr video was super clean and i loved the editing at the beginning (split frames so it looked like calais and kyrsten were standing next to each other). Spirit's announcement was a little harder to hear than other clips, probably because they were standing farther away with masks on. I think filming individuals without masks on is also easier for viewers to absorb the information, but I think overall the pr videos have gotten more and more organized. All of the links and timelines at the end go by a little fast, but I definitely like how everything is centralized.
    Keep up the good work :)

  3. bonjour pr and tech!!

    Overall good job on the November PR video, it was super clear and filming+editing was high quality. I definitely agree with Sydnie that it's easier to comprehend the information when it's one person in the frame rather than all standing 6 feet apart. Additionally, I really like the editing on the viking games promo, and it makes the video a lot more interesting and engaging.

    scrumdiddlyumptious video (the music choice is very nice)!!!

  4. Hey PR and Tech!

    Great job on the November PR video! I really appreciated all of the editing and work y'all did, especially with social's clips :). Overall, you guys did a fantastic job coordinating and filming the entire video. One thing I noticed was that the color was a bit off in the app/co's clips, especially for some of the faces. Also, the sky was really bright and overall a little distracting, so maybe picking another location in Murdock would be helpful for that.

    like the music as well :)

  5. Hi Tech and PR!!!

    I think it was a very good idea to switch up the location! The split shot in the beginning with Kyrsten and Calais was very smart and good. One thing I noticed is that the white balance was super cold, and the sky was really white. I know that shooting in the winter is a pain and I really hate shooting in the shade. In the future, I think you could consider planning filming in the morning, because the light will be a lot nicer.

    Other than that, good job!!


  6. hellloooo!

    a huge thank you from social for the great editing for the viking games! we loved it :) it seems like the organization of it went smoothly, so great job! like many others pointed out, some of the colors were a bit weird, but it wasn't enough to distract me from watching the video.

    great job overall :)

  7. HI hi hi!

    I think switching up the location was also a very good idea! I think it keeps people a bit more interested in the video!! As well, I agree with Sydnie and Lindsey about Spirit's part. in the fact that it is extremely hard to understand people in masks + six feet a part so I think for now, having less people in a shot is better. Also the split frames WERE SO COOL! I absolutely loved it!! Great job!

  8. Hi PR!
    I thought the video turned out really well, and it was nice to see a change in scenery. The audio seemed a little softer than the October video from my computer, but I know that is difficult to fix while maintaining social distancing rules. I didn't really notice any major lighting problems in the video, so I don't think it's something to be really worried about. Something you can add to the video is having better transitions between commissions; for example, having one commission end with something that relates to the next commission. It would just make the video seem more uniform. Overall, you guys did a really good job!

  9. HIII pr!
    The editing in the into/outro was super clever and it looked really good. In some clips, it was hard to hear the people talking, maybe because of the masks and social distancing, like a few other people mentioned, and I really like Syd's idea about less people in the shot. You could try to do other creative framing techniques like with Calais and Kyrsten in the tro's. Also, for the clip as an example as a memory, you might put the submission tinyurl in too just to give context + emphasize the link more. Also, you could also try to find a less crowded park or go during a less busy time, because I noticed a lot of people in the background, but it wasn't really too distracting. Overall it was really cute and creative!!!
    points gotten! lol...

  10. hi pr!! overall the video was greatt and i really liked the new location! the split frames were a really good idea and id like to see more of those in the future!! antara mentioned that we should include some transitions between commissions and i highly agree with this. without the transitions its hard to understand that weve moved on to another person/commission talking and the transitions just make the video flow better. i loved it and keep up the great work!

  11. hi tech!
    overall i liked the editing of the video! however, i think that it would have been good to consistently show either a 1/2 body shot or shoulders and above, etc because throughout the video it kept on changing. also, to possibly use an instrumental as i would get distracted by the song sometimes. but maybe that's just me lol. i really liked the change in scenery and thought that it was a nice touch, and splitting the screen to include two people at once was also clever!

    - teresa

  12. hey pr!

    great job with another pr video! The only issues I noticed were the subtle differences in sound or background noise - maybe choose a location that is central but not as busy? (or maybe it was just unlucky timing).

    Anyways, I thought for the January pr video you guys could include a recap of 1st semester and/or holiday photos. Have students submit holiday photos on the first week of school and have a short 5-20 second montage. This will involve more students in this event and is a fun thing to do. Keep up the great work!

  13. hi tech/pr! I think switching to a new location was definitely a good idea, and the lighting was also nice. A lot of people already mentioned this, but the split-screen was really cool! I think adding more fun transitions/animations or a bloopers section in the video would be interesting to see. Overall, you guys did a really great job, keep up the good work!!

    P.S. thank you for dedicating so much of your own time to film outside of school, we really appreciate it! <33

  14. holaa
    i think u guys should definitely keep exploring new places to film, it was really refreshing to see somewhere besides rainbow! i really liked the old throwback with the iphone screen. one thing i noticed that was kinda weird was that everyone said, "hey lynbrook!". I think the first one will suffice. and the splitshot with kyrsten and calais was so smooth!!

  15. Heyooo! As usual, great job on the pr video and for making it super well edited and scripted! One piece of feedback I would give is to make each individual commission video more linked together and have a cleaner transition. I know we tried something like this last year because we thought it became repetitive for the students if every commission started off with a "hey vikings" introduction, just something to think about and maybe implement next time. Thanks for everything yall do :)

  16. HI GUYS I LIKED THE VID. Some things for next semester/PR videos generally:

    - the intros are great but maybe try a new park instead of rainbow. We've seen it a lot so if it's feasible might be cool to try a new background.
    - use instrumental/reduce audio level
    - use more split frames to "frame" information
    - keep the ending slide (w/ dates) up for longer
    - Film mid-day or with more natural light
    - maybe use drone shots in different ways or possibly even as part of anouncements instead of for intros/outros or commission transitions

  17. What's up guys! I think the PR videos have definitely gotten a lot quicker and better organized. We (Spirit) were able to get in and out in under 30 minutes which was much faster than earlier videos. I thought that sometimes there was some background noise or unclear speech so maybe during second semester you guys could find more isolated filming locations and switch it up every PR video. It was mentioned earlier but I agree that the "Hey vikings/lynbrook" is getting repetitive for each commission, so maybe we could all take on the responsibility to think of some more creative intros! Overall, great job and I know that students look forward to seeing PR videos during homeroom!

  18. hey guys!!

    great job this month! this video was so interesting and unique and here's all i gotta say:

    - around the beginning of the video when you're talking about the vikesgiving event, try shooting a little further down that trail if possible just so you aren't too close to the tennis court and that could reduce the background noise
    - i loved the idea of having two different clips and putting them side by side so y'all didn't have to wear masks but could still have two people in the frame
    - love the song choice!!

    hope this helped, y'all are killing it w the pr videos!!

  19. hey pr/tech!

    this video was so cute and well-edited! I especially like the background music:) Marissa's idea of adding a bloopers section is definitely something we should consider in the future. The people in the background were distracting in certain clips, but I know it was really hard to find multiple good locations especially with all of the dog walkers haha. great job overall!!

    -Sarah C

  20. hello!

    i loved the cute vibe of this pr video and especially thought that the change in filming location was really creative and interesting to watch. like you guys mentioned in the summary, lighting is hard to control in the winter so maybe filming in the same time blocks on several days (ie. 4 pm on wednesday and thursday) would be helpful. i also really liked how you guys would have split screens that were combined to show people without masks talking in a conversational setting- really creative and fun to watch + helpful for keeping attention when you can see people's faces!


  21. Hey PR!

    Nice work on the November PR Video! Winter is definitely a hard time to film when we're not at school (and thus can't use schooltime), but I think you guys have done well in managing timeslots to take advantage of the short period of daylight between the end of school and sunset. Kudos to you guys for also having all of us filmees condense to fewer days to make it easier for you to film as well. In terms of the actual location, while I liked that we switch up different parks now, I think we need to be more specific as to the exact location people are supposed to meet up as. What ended up happening was 2023 and I congregated at the Murdock-Portal side of the park, while Joe and PR went to the (correct) location of the tennis courts, so we had to search for each other for 15 minutes. So in the future, saying something like "Murdock Park Tennis Courts" will help save time on filming :)

    Great job!

  22. heyo!

    great job on the pr video! i liked the way it was edited and the use of the different style intro! music choice was solid and the clips looked solid! good idea switching up locations too! (adds spice to the video) i did notice an audio problem during the vikesgiving section so try to find a location that's not near a highway. also the video itself was somewhat short so maybe adding bloopers to throw in a little bit of entertainment would be cool!

    other than that, great work as always! keep it up!

  23. hello!! I'm sure most if not everything of what I have to say will have been said already buuuut:
    - filming was super smooth for this one! there was some confusion w/ signups but after that, when Marissa and I showed up to the park it was in and out so that was great.
    - also Katie was super receptive to edits even when they were last moment so that was mucho appreciated
    - split frame (as literally everyone here said) was great and I think it would be cool if we had more things like that to spice it up because I think things start to fly over people's heads after a while with the same side by side talking format

    overall, I think it went really well especially considering our circumstances. kudos to you guys!!

  24. Hi PR + Tech!

    Great job on the PR video. The editing, especially the split screen and transitions, was nice. Like others mentioned already, it would be nice to specify the filming location, so that the filming process is more efficient. Overall, I thought it was informative and enjoyable to watch. Nice work!

  25. Hey PR + Tech!

    Great job on the PR video! I think that even though the timeline was a bit rushed it still looked amazing! Like other have mentioned I think that because it was so rushed many commissions had issues with signups but other than that it was super smooth! Shout out to Farhaan and Pranay for being so adaptive+awesome and even bringing in the drone :)

  26. hi pr/tech <33

    congrats on another PR video! similar to a lot of the commenters, I feel like consistency in shot framing and color (to whatever extent can be fixed) would be incredibly helpful. also, I appreciated the change in scenery, but it was a little confusing for Spirit because only Katie was there when we filmed and it ended up starting a bit late because people were lost as to where to go. overall it was pretty smooth and the end product was clean as always :)) gjgj


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