The Viking Games

hi everyone!

the viking games ended this past week, and social would like your feedback!!

some things we thought went well:

- lots of sign-ups/interest for the games

- filming went pretty smoothly, not many tech issues

- students/teachers had fun during games 

- personally communicated with spirit/tech

- second week of the minigames was very successful! lots of participation

- using social media (+tagging) definitely helped participation

- used emails, lynbrook app, @thevikingames for promotion

what didn't work:

- first week didn't have as much participation

- could have worked with PR for graphics (but would possibly have been more inefficient due to last-minute changes)

- some youtube videos were very long


social <3


  1. hi socialll!!
    first off, i want to really commend you all for taking on this super well thought out complex event and staying creative during this lull in remote learning! i really liked the idea of different rounds and incorporating a mix of mini games and big game show rounds! also i think the class competition aspect was a good idea since there hasn't been an overuse of it yet and it definitely drove participation. one suggestion i would have would be to maybe have an option toward the end of it where classes could team up. it's hard to encourage the classes who are really behind to continue participating in the end, so if there was a way that classes could vote to team up with another class to beat the top class or keep the losing classes engaged i think it might fix that problem.

    but again congrats on a really successful event social <33

  2. Hi social!

    Amazing job on the Viking Games. Playing "Are You Smarter Than A Teacher" was really fun, and I thought you guys got the difficultly just right. I think the Instagram stories in the second week were very successful because we hadn't done them in a while (and because the challenges u guys designed were super fun :). It seems like having that variation with using the app and Instagram to control overuse really helped! Regarding the videos, I think it would be nice if the games were also published on IGTV. Most of the time, people use Instagram on their phones where it's hard to copy over a link to a browser. I think the viewership may be higher if the videos were made more accessible through IGTV. Otherwise, this event was super fun form start to finish. keep up the amazing work!

    - Emma Tu

  3. What's up Social!

    Awesome job with the Viking games, I think it was one of the most elaborate projects we've had this semester. As the Jeopardy MC, I was able to see how well organized and dedicated you guys were to run a perfect show. I think it somewhat reignited the competitive class spirit that's been lacking during quarantine, especially during the last days; the minigames were great at getting everyone involved! Some of the games did get a little too long to watch (I'd say under 10 minutes would be ideal). Great job, can't wait to see what you have planned for second semester!!

  4. hi social!! great job with the planning and execution of viking games, i think it's one of the longest projects that asb has released this year. i really enjoyed seeing various people from classes that i haven't seen before play on the games and win points, also thanks to tech's amazing editing.

    the mini games seemed to be pretty successful, although i think we may want to hold off on them now because people are definitely getting a little tired of them. however, for this event they were a great addition to the releases of the videos since after watching a video where maybe your class didn't do so well students would be motivated to participate. i agree with jash's point that the videos could have been a little shorter, 25 minutes was a little long and i'll admit that deterred me from watching some of them.

    everything was really planned out and the whole event turned out amazing, mad props to you all!

  5. The Viking Games were super successful and kudos on creating a new event. Some feedback if we do this next year:

    - possibly have less ig spams or challenges online because towards the tail-end participation dwindled and it was ASB ppl pushing it
    - I think the videos and the games turned out really well. The people hosting did a great job, but possibly work on the scripts for hosting in tandem with one another (social + spirit) to add jokes or transitions
    - Maybe you could make whoever does Sarah's job next year (the villain) do updates on IG stories in character
    - Possibly shorten how long the competition goes on to build suspense and increase participation w/ less days

    GJ again!

  6. Hi social!! Congrats on finishing the viking games and I loved following along!

    I really liked how the points were earned through minigames as well as class participation, and it felt a little bit like a rally. It was also helpful to see the live standings and I think it definitely encouraged people to participate in order to help their class earn more points/rise in the leaderboard lol.

    Another point that I've seen others touch upon is how long the videos were, which were a little bit harder to sit through and watch all the way until the end. However, it was a good idea that you can try fine-tuning for the years to come.

    Overall, I think there was lots to celebrate and I think you guys did amazing :))

  7. hi social!
    overall i really liked the viking games and thought that they were a fun event. personally, i thought that the mini games and youtube videos were put out in a good order with lots of variety. i also saw a lot of class participation! the videos were for the most part fun to watch, albeit a bit long, but i don't know how they could have been shorter because most game shows are ~20 minutes. however, i feel like the whole "storyline" of the games was not super easy to follow- many of the ig posts were written somewhat cryptically but other than knowing the initial premise that there has been some sort of power outage (hence the glitching videos) i wasn't fully sure what was going on but maybe i just was not paying enough attention. i'm not sure if the storyline was supposed to be a big part of the event but disregarding the storyline the event itself was fun! being on the editing side of things, i think that the videos could have gone a bit smoother if tech was more involved in the planning, so that we better understood how filming would go and what social's desired final image was. all of the videos were in pretty different styles, so if you wanted a more cohesive editing style it may have been better to plan that ahead. but overall, again, good job! as i said earlier i thought this was a really cool event!

  8. hey social!

    the viking games were so much fun and i loved how students could get involved through the minigames. on terms of student involvement, i think that when we were trying to get more people to sign up there was definitely a lot of interest in the instagram challenges + aspects that didn't involve being recorded so it was really cool that there was kind of "something for everyone". at the same time, regularly posting point standings on the viking games ig meant that people could share the post with the standings and encourage friends to participate, which added a bit of intensity to otherwise easy and fun challenges.

    like someone said above, it's hard to get participation among classes that are falling behind, and a suggestion for improvement (in both the minigames and perhaps the show) that the last round or challenge be worth double the points to up the stakes. in addition, if we could have "trailers" for or short clips the long videos that people could access through instagram/igtv then more people might be interested in watching instead of having to click through separate links.

    other than that, the viking games were a really fun, refreshing, relatively low stakes (which is good, especially given finals coming up!!) concept that a lot of people seemed to enjoy!


  9. Hi social!

    First off, great job on the putting together the viking games! It was definitely amazing to see something like this pulled off and even during IDC other schools were amazed at seeing the viking games (and now want to do something like it as well)! That being said, I think that I agree with most of the comments above at the fact that towards the end of the games, the spams got extremely tedious and not many people wanted to participate in them. I think this is something that everyone is noticing as well in their events, but we definitely need to try finding other ways to send out information to the student body besides spams. My only other comment is that sometimes during the games, the hosts lacked a bit of energy and made the games less entertaining than they could have been since the hosts do really make the games what they are. I would suggest possibly scripting out jokes or making sure to keep the energy up during the games. Overall, amazing job! This was super unique!

  10. hi social!

    the entire week of viking games, both the youtube videos + mini games were super well planned! i enjoyed editing family feud and it was really helpful to have one social commissioner team up with one tech member for each video. next time, it would be super helpful if each of you cut the videos to their appropriate lengths before sending it off to tech for editing. since we aren't as familiar with the content of each game, it was a bit of a struggle to figure out when each clip ended, and which parts needed to be cut out. besides that, editing instructions were clear and we were given plenty of time to edit. as for the duration of each video, i think videos like family feud needed to be at least 20-30 minutes long because all three rounds were included in one video. i like how both staff and the student body were a part of this event. it was a super fun and engaging event overall, well done social!!

  11. hi social!!
    great job with viking games!! it was a very creative idea that worked well with the tricky circumstances at the moment, and i htink the end result was very good! since i'm in tech, i was able to hear from teresa sarah pranav katie and what they thought about the editing process. i think in the future for tech projects in general, it would be better to communicate with tech during the planning process. this way, tech won't have to ask as many questions about editing, and they can input their ideas into their project with their experience with tech. if you ever plan on doing zoom youtube videos in the future, i would recommend suggesting the individual participates to record their own audio so if it's crunchy sounding over zoom, you can make a compound clip and match it up. the microphone doesn't have to be super advanced or special!! for the october pr video, the boom mic didnt connect to my camera, so i just ended up using my phone to record the audio. to be honest, the iphone microphone quality is suprisingly really good, so i think it is definitely possible to use that in future zoom activities!!!

    ok that is all i have!!! good job social!!!

  12. Replies
    1. Great job on the Viking Games! I think it was a novel and exciting idea that brought god amounts of school interest back to ASB events, which is especially great given how we were nearing the end of first semester! I heard from a lot of staff who watched the video and were thoroughly entertained, as well as from many interested students as well. From my perspective on the database at the end of the app and flipping through instagram stories, it looked like there was a lot of good participation, especially among the upperclassmen; we may need to collaborate more closely with 2023 and 2024 to figure out how to fix their low participation rates though. From my perspective as a game show participant on AYSTAT, I thought the format was quite nice, but I personally found the overview and instructions at the very beginning to be a bit rushed, and I was left kind of confused for the first few minutes because of that. However, I figured it out after the first few questions, so in the end it was all good.

      Overall great job!

  13. hey social!!

    great job executing a successful viking games! i love the idea and the pr videos were so creative,, they definitely caught the eye of students during homeroom. i like how there were larger and smaller mini games so students could participate whether they wanted to be on screen or not. here are some tips/suggestions for next time:

    - the videos (as i saw you mention above) were a bit long. with game shows that is inevitable but if it's possible to leave out/speed up some of the slightly uninteresting parts that may keep the video shorter and a bit more interesting.
    - something else to try is having a short, overall "viking games highlights" video at the very end that incorporates the funniest moments from each game. that could attract viewers who enjoyed watching it and want to see the extended versions
    - keep the mini games for future events! i feel like those were really popular on insta. maybe try to include it on the app as well for the students who don't have social medias to be able to participate too

    great job again, loved the creativity :))

  14. Hey Social!

    The videos were SOOO FUNNY OMG! I could not stop laughing while editing! This was a great event so hats off to y'all! It was super creative and a great way to take advantage of the virtual environment.

    Some problems I noticed were:
    1. lack of participation for minigames. I think this could have been resolved with a clearer explanation and more prior hype
    2. while editing there were issues that could have been resolved with prior planning or stronger communication with social and tech, so for the future making sure the vision, details and any techniques needed for editing are figured out.
    3. the videos in length were also some what long which might not retain viewers throughout, so maybe when playing, cutting down the actual game length

    other than that, it was amazing and the videos and games turn out great!

  15. hey social!

    this was a great way to add a game/competition aspect while involving the entire student body. I loved how it carried a consistent theme of escaping the virtual world and the pr scripts were especially funny and entertaining. Also, the minigames were different from the battle of the class and other spirit days, so that was good too.

    I think it was difficult to attract attention for the games (aystat, family feud, etc.) because not many people knew about it despite decent pr efforts, but if the viking games happen annually it'll definitely be known and have higher participation.

    Regarding the participation, I think it was simply difficult as finals are approaching and people are busy. The viking games is a great event for the beginning of either the first/second semester, and a more chill dance like virtual event should be towards the end of the semester.

    great job overall!

  16. Hey Social!

    Amazing job on the Viking Games. I thought it was planned very well and it was definitely a great way for each class to show their spirit. The main games were really fun to watch!!! I think the main reason behind the lower participation in the first week was that participating in the minigames didn't have much impact on the class standings. I know that for the second week you guys increased the minigame points so that was great! Also, reducing the difficulty of the challenges will help increase participation as well. Although the first week's challenges were interesting and creative ones, the second week's challenges were much simpler to complete. But overall, great job!


    this was SO cool and huge kudos to you guys for adapting and bringing this to the student body.
    I participated in family feud and it was really interesting! I loved the online setup and it was pretty fun to me since I did it with my friends. I think the rules were a bit hazy but other than that loved it! speaking of those games though, I think the major problem to me about them is that we had to bring in asb participation- I think it pushes the question of who's it really for if we're making asb participate. that being said, I think that if the student body knew how they were gonna be ran and more exposed to them, it could have been a lot of fun for them!

    the mini games were sooo creative but I did feel that having submission on instagram took away from participation. I have a handful of friends who don't use or post or even have instagram and would have loved to participate. I also expect that a lot of freshmen don't have social media either? so to me, keeping *most* of it on the app seems like a better idea. a few on instagram is pretty cute bc of the graphics and the concept of tagging people and getting to publicly see other answers!

    overall though, SUCH a cute idea LOVE IT

  18. Hola social!

    The Viking Games was such a unique and cool idea especially during quarantine where everything had to be online. I played family feud and I thought it was just really fun to be working together with my friends to win. For future years, maybe make definite rules like your answer has to contain the exact word just to avoid discrepancies. Otherwise, the game was pretty fun and the videos were entertaining.

    I think another way to promo the videos was maybe posting the highlights/esp. funny parts of the videos on igtv. The videos were pretty funny, but I feel like many people are just too lazy to click on the links.

    I also loved the mini games because they were so easy to play and did not take much commitment. Overall, this was a scrumdiddlyumptious event! keep it up!!!!!

  19. Hi Social!

    The Viking games was not only super fun but super creative! I remember during leader share the Rec commission from Monta Vista was saying how inspired they were by the Viking Games and that it was awesome that our Social Commission was still able to create such meaningful and creative events even when everything was online.

    I think that overall the event was super smooth and very entertaining! I think that the story line and class competition definitely kept people engaged. However, like you said the first week of the games had limited participation , but that is expected especially as we are in a online medium.

    I think the only thing that could maybe be improved if this event was to take place in the future is highlights of the minigames or finding someway to send it out to the minigame clips to the student body in a non spammy way, I know that a lot of individuals were not aware of the minigame videos.

    Other than that the event was super awesome and great job Social!!

  20. hi social!!

    as the hosts, spirit and I really enjoyed being part of the Viking Games :) there was a certain awkwardness as we started filming, and I felt that some of that ended up being conveyed in the videos as people only warmed up in the later games. perhaps icebreakers of some sort could have been beneficial to get people a little more comfortable joking around.

    I actually wasn't sure whether people would stay engaged over two weeks, but I felt as if the second week was even stronger than the second, which is a testament to the creativity of the event and the interest it garnered. I do wish more people viewed the minigames and got to see that, but I'm not sure how effective more promo would have been.

    congrats for an amazing week of events <33

  21. Hi Social!

    I know this is coming kind of late but you guys all did a fantastic job on providing a fun, social event to the student body. I don't have much commentary on your guys' event but one thing I would say is working with tech and planning within your own commission to try make the videos shorter for future videos. Especially in the quarantine, people have definitely gotten tired of virtual events so short, fun videos are definitely the way to go!


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