
Showing posts from April, 2021

homecoming highlight reel

 heyy asb, cps here! we released our homecoming highlight reel a couple of weeks back during homeroom what went well: - video sent out on time  - got a lot of views - captured the nostalgia seniors wanted - good overall feedback about editing, background music, hype, etc (thank you tech!!) what we learned: - better communication           - most homeroom teachers didn't play the video for their class- they just linked it in the slides - tech did a great job w editing (thank you thank you!!) - students like shorter videos - need more promo let us know your feedback:))  ~cps

Movie Night Feedback/FAQ

 Hey everyone! Thank you for coming to the movie night test run on Tuesday, 4/6! Here's a quick reflection: Things that went well: Screen was good; movie was visible from far away Audio was clear People had fun :D Things that did not go as smoothly: Set up (projector, speakers, etc) took a bit long (first in-person event so it's understandable) Screen was flying around Social distancing: the seating was not very strict; people lying down/leaning=less social distance To-do's before the actual event: Order strings for securing the screen Finalize seating chart/map of the quad & leave more room for each person's social distancing "bubble" Promotions & miscellaneous things (preregistration, etc) We would love to hear your thoughts/experiences from the movie night! Please also feel free to comment any potential questions so we can answer them in a FAQ during the event promotion.