Movie Night Feedback/FAQ

 Hey everyone!

Thank you for coming to the movie night test run on Tuesday, 4/6!

Here's a quick reflection:

  • Things that went well:

    • Screen was good; movie was visible from far away

    • Audio was clear

    • People had fun :D

  • Things that did not go as smoothly:

    • Set up (projector, speakers, etc) took a bit long (first in-person event so it's understandable)

    • Screen was flying around

    • Social distancing: the seating was not very strict; people lying down/leaning=less social distance

  • To-do's before the actual event:
    • Order strings for securing the screen
    • Finalize seating chart/map of the quad & leave more room for each person's social distancing "bubble"
    • Promotions & miscellaneous things (preregistration, etc)

We would love to hear your thoughts/experiences from the movie night! Please also feel free to comment any potential questions so we can answer them in a FAQ during the event promotion.


  1. hi social!

    thank you for setting up the movie night it was a really nice event. i think in the future, to make setup go more smoothly is having more test runs like this one, or maybe getting all the equipment/tables/cords ready beforehand. for social distancing, i think it might be easier to make squares on the grass so that the distances are more defined and the 6ft guidelines are met. overall, it was a really good test run!

  2. hi social!

    Although I couldn't go to the event (i had to quarantine :(() it seemed like lots of fun! I think this test not only served as a way to bond ASB and prep for the movie night, but also acted as good publicity. There were some stories up on Instagram that got people interested, as many people approached me asking if there was an event going on at school that day. That provided a good opportunity for me to explain that this was a test for a movie night and encourage them to go to the real one, so I think in the future, we could encourage ASB member to post their participation in tests online to increase publicity of future events :)

    - Emma

  3. Hi Social!

    Thank you for putting on an event for ASB! I think a few things that could maybe be done to help keep the screen secure include moving under the overhang and tying it to something inside the cafeteria with the wire. Also in terms of social distancing, I think using bubbles is a good idea, but regardless the tape markers need to be more clearly defined and not criss crossed as people didn't completely understand that system. You can also possibly use the side grass areas for extra seating if you get a lot of pre-registrations.

    I also think that ASB people should not post about the event. I've heard concerns about how putting an event for asb by asb felt elitist and privileged to people outside of ASB—even if the point of the event was to test something for the student body. We should be more careful about who/which official asb accounts are posting and perhaps even limit testing in the future.

  4. Hi Social!!

    I had a lot of fun at the movie night so I appreciate that you guys put up this event.

    I think it was hard for people to stay socially distanced because there was no way for them to communicate without getting closer. Obviously, we don't have the budget for plastic screens between each square, but maybe like whiteboards?? or something interactive so it's not just the same as people watching a movie at home.

    I would recommend testing how you guys are letting people in or coming up with a system. (numbering squares??) because most of us just came in a messy way.

    Otherwise I think things went smoothly and I'm excited to see what you guys can pull off

    - Lindsey

  5. Hey Social!

    Great test run! Everything seemed to run really smooth, besides the slightly slow setup time, which is understandable. For social distancing concerns, perhaps mark out an enclosed area for each "seat" (maybe a square as mentioned above by Katie and Lindsey). Overall, looking good! :D

    Btw, let me know if you want anything done on the app for pre-registration :).

  6. hi social!

    thank you for putting this on! I think overall it went rly well!

    I did notice too that the screen did take a while to set up but I think this practice run helped so it can be smoother during the event.

    the projector was also not compatible with the standard tech equipment, so making sure that it works with what tech has can solve any last minute problems if there is no access to FC equipment.

    overall great job!


  7. Hi Social!
    As mentioned by you guys as well as in some of the comments above, spacing people out is definitely an issue. I think that taping out squares for people to sit in, or if that is too intensive, maybe just lines would be a good idea, as well as by organizing the seats by rows and columns (ex. A1, C5, etc) like in a theater. Additionally, having a pdf or reference document for participants to see where they are supposed to sit as well as printing out a physical copy and displaying it at the event may be helpful. However, overall, I do think that the test run went pretty well and many of the kinks in preparation, like projector set-up and tying down the screen will be worked out and we will be able to set things up more smoothly and quickly by the actual movie night.

  8. Hey Social!

    First of all, thank you guys for organizing the movie night social! I think the dual purpose of this test run was definitely served and a lot of us had such a good time so way to turn something as mundane as a dry run for an event into a fun experience for the class :))

    Overall, my main concern with an in person movie night has to do with how we will be able to enforce social distancing and COVID-19 protocols. Some ways to deal with this could include:

    - fully taped off grids along with the x marks or at least boxes around the x's so that people have a better idea of where to stay (throughout the event, some of the x's got moved or were barely visible/covered by bags etc)

    - chairs on the sides and at the back (closer to the gym) for more seating options and as something that can't be moved so that people stay in their places

    - i know this is going to sound a little bit over the top but i don't think we should discount the idea of chaperones or staff going around to give <3 gentle reminders <3 to social distance

    Great job, can't wait to see what you guys put on for the actual event :))

    Allison H

  9. hi social!

    for the actual event, i think having more clearly taped off spaces would be helpful since it got a little confusing where to sit, as well as having pre-designated seating for people to choose spots and be close to their friends. when you send out info on the event, i think you should also emphasize for people to dress warmly/bring blankets because i think we were all really cold LOL and that made it a lot harder to relax. on the tech side, the projector/speakers worked really well, and the movie was easy to watch on the screen.

    overall, i think the event went pretty smoothly, and there are just a few kinks to work out. thank you guys so much for planning this event and giving us a chance to all hang out!


  10. hey social!

    first off huge s/o for making an in person event happen! I know that all of us have been super eager to start hanging out with each-other again, and even if it was socially distanced it was still super fun to see everybody again!

    as for tech setup I think that it was a little slow because like you said it was the first time anybody was doing it, but also because pranav and I were showing the other tech commissioners who had never seen the tech equipment how to use it, and also because like pranav mentioned the projector wasn't compatible with tech equipment. I think in the future to help avoid issues with that tech should have an opportunity to look at all of the equipment that you're planning on using before the event itself - that way we can make sure that it is compatible with our stuff, and if it's not we can plan a better solution.

    also for the social distancing, I think you might want to put the x's a little further than 6 feet apart, just because people always get a bit closer, but if you do that it might help.

    overall awesome event, and thanks for putting it on! looking forward to more in-person social events :))

  11. hey socialll!!
    first off thank u sm for putting on this in person movie night! it was awesome to see everyone in ASB in a safe way :))
    i think a really great purchase to make would be glow in the dark tape for the Xs. that way it's clear where people need to sit even when it gets a little dark. also to make registration and booking seats a little easier, you could make a doc with a map of the seats and number them and then when ppl are booking a ticket, they can write down their seat number. someone in social can keep updating the doc w which seats are available!
    great job and thank u again!
    lots of love <33
    - esha

  12. hi social!!

    the movie night was so much fun! i had a really good time– the atmosphere was super relaxed and the movie choice *chefs kiss* incredible. one note i had was to inform people that they really should bring blankets and/or pillows lol. a couple of my friends didn't and because we weren't allowed to share blankets, they just sat and freezed LOL. maybe a quick note in an email or the graphic.

    great job again <3
    - kyrsten

  13. Hi social! I found it very cool that you were able to do a movie night that tested in person coordination preparing for more of those specific activities aswell as having a time for the ASB community. Unfortunately I was not able to go (3k miles away at the time :/). From what I heard it was a successful day and I’m happy it worked out the way it did so that for the next movie night we now know what to do.

  14. heyy social!!

    the movie night was so fun; such a great end of the year social for asb to bond! i think the audio could've been a bit louder because we ended up not being able to hear it as clearly. additionally, i feel like most of us ended up talking to our friends during the movie but that's completely fine because it's a great idea to reconnect safely. it was also really smart to remind us to bring our blankets LOL those were really good for the cold.

    amazing idea and great job w the execution!


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