freshmen welcome video!!

 hi everyone!

right before the first week of school we posted a video on the lynbrook asb youtube channel to answer common questions that freshmen may have about starting high school. the project was fairly last minute, so there are definitely parts of the video that could be improved for similar projects in the future. 

somethings to keep in mind:

  • audio/video quality
  • filming locations
  • editing style/any other aesthetic related aspects 
  • getting more engagement from freshmen(for future projects if we had more time)

please drop whatever feedback you have below by 8/31! thank youu :)


the public relations commission.


  1. HI PR and Tech!

    - The video looked so good and was so so so high quality I could not believe my eyes lol. But it was literally so impressive.
    - When you sent the graphic, I thought the video would be posted on the lynbrookasb account instead of on youtube. So I think it was a little hard to access/get to the video.
    - I thought the location was great bc it was recognizable.
    - One of the people kept swaying back and forth and although the camera swayed with her, it was very distracting. It would've been great if you refilmed that part.
    - Not sure if you did this, but maybe email out the video to teachers who teach freshmen because not a lot of them follow the lynbrookasb account. as well as post in the fb group.
    - Overall really really impressed with the video. I thought that it gave multiple perspectives about important subjects, so that was really well done.

    - Lindsey

  2. hello PR and tech!!

    first of all good job!!! it is really hard to make an event super early in the school year and i think even with the short deadlines the end result turned out really good! i wish i had a video like this when i was in 8th grade, because high school can seem really intimidating. y'all did a great job tackling a lot of questions i had before coming into high school. if you plan on doing this video next year, i would make the video a lot shorter. i think with youtube videos, a lot of people don't have a super long attention span to make through the entire video, and some of the responses seemed a bit repetitive.

    @ whoever edited the video i have a few things to say!! the iPhone microphone quality sounds pretty clear and i think that was a good choice! one thing i noticed is that a lot of the clips didn't have the exposure corrected, and you can easily tell that it was filmed on multiple cameras (the intro vs the rest of the video). using waveforms on final cut pro to correct the exposure so that all of the clips look uniform will really improve the quality of the video! in addition, i don't think the clips were color corrected at all, because the clips were either too cool bc they were filmed in the shade, or the white balance seemed green in a lot of clips which makes everyone look kind of sickly :((. using an adjustment layer on fcp or premiere is super helpful because you can apply the corrections throughout the entire video instead of individually copy pasting corrections on each clip! if that didn't really make sense julia dang on youtube has a really helpful video on how to colorgrade and she does a much better job explaining than me! if colorgrading is too hard or confusing, try color correcting at the bare minimum!! colorgrading is super important because it can really take a video from wow i can tell a high schooler made this to wow i can't believe a highschooler made this!

    thank you so much for reading i hope that was helpful!!



  3. Hi pr!

    I think this video was super informational and I wish I watched this video as an incoming freshman. I watched this with my link crew kids and they found it really helpful. I liked that each person offered different/new advice for each question, and you had them go in depth for each response. the clips were super organized, and the audio and video quality were clear, overall very aesthetic! I also loved the video clips in the background of each question. It looks like you guys paid a lot of attention to detail for this project, great job pr!

  4. Hey PR!

    I thought that the video was super well-made and really captured the essence of a lot of the main questions people had about entering Lynbrook. Obviously there were some simple technical issues due to the quick turnaround time which you guys already touched on, so I won't comment about it.

    I think one thing maybe you could consider is just to generate some more "buzz" around the video next time around. For example, you previously mentioned that you wanted to collect information from incoming freshmen about what questions they wanted answered. This could be maybe done in collaboration with Link crew or with the previous president as mentioned, and it would just get the word out there that there's this welcome video being prepared by ASB that the freshmen can look forward to. Otherwise, the video seems like it kinda came out of left-field without warning, and thus many people didn't realize such a video was coming out.

    Overall though, it was absolutely amazing! I thought the filming and cinematography for a lot of the video was really fantastic, and I personally didn't notice the audio disruptions affecting how I listened to the video. Wish that something like this was present when I was freshman! Keep up the good work!

  5. Hey PR!

    This video was hands down very well made despite the last minute planning. The only thing I would say is making sure the speakers are looking at the camera and not swaying back and forth. I found this very distracting when they would look off to the distance, at their script or fidget. However, if you're going for a chill/friendly vibe then I think it is fine to not have eye contact all the time (but no swaying).

    I really liked the transitions clips when the next question was being displayed on the screen. But maybe to "show" more of lynbrook, you can have clips of multiple events not just rallies. I understand you may have wanted to stick to something consistent, but you can have similar color schemes with clips from different events.

    Great job!

  6. hi pr!

    the video looks really great! it's a very high quality, and the content is also really helpful as well. especially with the class of 2024 starting high school online, which is quite difficult, I think this video can help them a little bit with the transition.

    i think the audio quality was pretty good, however I think having them hold the phone might not be as "visually appealing." this isn't really an issue, more of a personal preference, but maybe having the speakers look into the camera more, since sometimes it looks like they're talking to someone else, which can be a little awkward as a viewer (however it's understandable since it's difficult to always look into the camera lens). lastly, there were a couple shots where some of the speaker's faces were a bit underexposed, so just having the brightness and color grading tweaked a little bit.

    other than that, a really great video! it's definitely a really helpful video for the freshmen, and even for me as well xD

  7. PR!
    First off, good job with this project! Although you guys said it was last minute, I think it still looked pretty cool. I really like the background and filming locations because the natural lighting just made the vibe like more comfortable and less intimidating in a way. The audio was a little bit rough at certain moments, but overall the quality was alright considering it was filmed on a mobile device. Next year, maybe you could compile a list of FAQs from Viking day or orientation and include those in the video. Overall, I really liked the video and I’m proud of u guys for pulling this off in like a week! LOL

  8. hi pr/tech!

    this project was so thoughtful and well done, especially with this year's unique situation. having multiple speakers present on the lynbrook experience from different perspectives definitely created a very positive and welcoming representation of lynbrook and aligns well with ASB's widely expressed goal of appealing to different groups and types of students on campus.
    something that might've helped a little bit with PR is having a "preview" clip that we would share along with the link to the video either on our personal pages or lynbrook's different platforms. this way people would be interested in the video and want to continue watching, since sometimes a graphic and a link aren't enough to draw someone in.

    as previously mentioned, the ASB class is comprised mostly of upperclassmen so there is a natural disparity between who is reached through posts on personal instagram pages. in the future, it might be helpful to ask teachers who have a lot of freshmen in their classes (likely biology or lit/writ) to include a link to the welcome video in their schoology introductions, or to have the school blast an email with the video to students in 2024 (and future freshman classes)

    amazing job!

  9. Hi PR and Tech!

    Thank you guys for assembling this video! It was so well made and such a meaningful video to put out there. Last time I checked there was almost 900 views!! That's incredible since there's only ~400 freshmen. I'm sure they found it incredibly helpful- enough so that they would re-watch it many times.

    When I saw that the video was almost 10 minutes, I thought it was going to be a pretty long watch, but it was so good that I didn't even notice the time passing. However, I think having to search through the video to review certain answers might be a bit tedious, so maybe you guys can put a written summary underneath the video for those who want to review the information quickly.

    In regards to promotion, the graphic looked beautiful, but I think they could've been a little more informative. There was a caption that said "video published on Lynbrook ASB", but I don't think every knows lynbrook has a youtube channel, so maybe providing a tinyurl along with that would've been helpful.

    Otherwise, amazing job pr and tech! The video was so thoughtful and wonderful :)

  10. Hi hi hi PR!

    First off, I want to say that I think this video was extremely helpful for the freshmen so thank you thank you for assembling it!!

    Just some general thoughts: I think video itself was a bit disorientating at times because there were a lot of contradicting thoughts that were said. For example there was one question about college and one person said how you shouldn't worry about college during ninth grade and then another person right afterwards said that you should start thinking about college now. I loved the variety of perspectives, but I think that it was a bit confusing in that manner as it still left the freshmen with more questions. I think it also would have helped to have a mass email sent out during school or even to show the video during homeroom for the freshmen as well so that all freshmen could see the video.

    Overall, I really loved the location because I thought it wasn't a distracting or changing background and left me to just focus on the people in the video and what they had to say. I think the only thing would be to make sure people don't sway or pace as that is very distracting and that people always make eye contact with the camera since it draws viewers in to look at them. I think you all overall did a really amazing job!!!


  11. hey pr & tech!

    good job for putting together an advice video for the incoming freshmen! i think it was a great guide for them as they might be a bit confused especially when we are starting the year with online school. i also liked how you chose a variety of students that offered different perspectives and there was a lot of good advice. i agree with zoe on the swaying as it got a bit distracting when i was watching the video. the rally clips seemed super fun but it would also be cool if you featured other events such hearts week!.

    here are some things to add in the future:
    - include timestamps or a brief physical rundown of the questions and responses in the description box
    - make a tinyurl for the advice video and include it in the promo flyer for easy access
    - post the link to the video on the facebook group as well since some 2024 are in the lynbrook facebook group instead of following the asb insta account

    i hope this helped! :)

  12. hey pr!

    first off i know how making videos on a tight deadline is and i wanted to commend y'all on putting it together on such a short deadline! amazing job with putting together quality audio and video without tech's help - low key didn't realize y'all didn't ask pranav or anybody from tech until a while after. really good touch with the phones for audio! even though wind noise was kind of an issue throughout the video, i know for a fact your camera's audio would've been 30x worse so really good thinking with that! in terms of content, there are just a couple of things i'd work on next time. first, i think that just telling people to know what they were saying before they did (and i know that this is a problem easily solved with time) would really help the clarity and concision of the video. it reached 9 minutes, but i feel like it really didn't need to be that long, and a lot of the times (like around 9 minutes through the video) people just kept repeating the same thing over and over. only other thing is maybe adding a list of questions and timecodes for answers in the description. that's still something that can be added and i think that it'd really help with the rewatchability (idk the word sorry) of the video. in terms of the video itself, the only thing i'd say is just watch the swaying and camera setup - i'm not sure if the camera was being handheld (if so wow good job like mad props for keeping it that still at times) or on a tripod, but what i'd recommend is just moving the camera so it's at eye level (if not a little above) for each of the subjects. that would help a lot with the swaying in the videos. the audio (again really smart with the phones for audio that turned out amazing) did have a lot of wind noise at times, so the only other thing i'd say is just set people up so that their backs were to the wind, so that it'd act as a natural buffer for the wind.

    again, with just a week to complete the video i can't stress how fire this video was enough, and i hope that you were able to take something helpful from this.
    - pranay

  13. hii pr!

    this video was honestly really informational from a freshmen's pov. it being one of the first videos i watched coming into high school, i was really impressed with the quality compared to what we see in middle school LOL. i really loved watching it but here are a few tips from my side:

    - the video was a bit long. there were some things here and there that were a bit repetitive and i think if there was any other info that wasn't as necessary, it should've been cut down (to maybe a 5 - 7 minute video). there may have been other reasons that i'm not aware of but just for future vids, keeping them on the shorter side normally invites more viewers.
    - i personally didn't find much of an issue locating the video b/c i was already following some of the asb socials but for students that either didn't have social medias or weren't following asb's socials, i think a bit more advertising could've helped

    other than that, i think the video was a sweet idea and a nice welcome to lynbrook :)) thank you pr!!


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