Virtual Week of Welcome


Virtual Week of Welcome was during the first week of school (8/17-8/24) and we'd love to hear your feedback. As a reminder, the event was strictly online, specifically instagram, and students could make a post on their stories, tag Lynbrook ASB, and have their story reposted. The spirit days were "Model Monday," "Tea-Time Tuesday," "Wellness Wednesday," "Treat-Yourself Thursday," and "Future Friday".

Here are some things you might want to think about or touch upon:

- participation

- PR/outreach

- duration of event

- incentives/rewards

- staff involvement

- use of multiple platforms

- spirit day ideas

- anything else relating to virtual events

Feel free to let us know what you liked about the event, what you think could be improved, and any other comments you had by Monday, 8/31. Thank you for your support!


Rec \(´▽`*)(*´▽`) /


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hihihihh rec!

    congrats on a SUCCESSFUL wow and start to this year! i think that because this was the first event and since it's been maybe 4 months since we've done one of these social media challenge events the participation was a lot higher than usual, so maybe just something to take away is that these types of events that rely on student engagement are better to be planned toward the beginning of things (beginning of quarantine, beginning of school, new semester, etc) i also think that since we're trying to reach a broader range of the student body and cater to those people who aren't as involved typically, the challenges like after school snack and time capsule were easier for people to do whereas the outfit day was a little more intimidating. incentives are something we could try to implement to maybe increase engagement; i know monta vista has been doing spirit weeks and the participants are put in a raffle to win mv merch? maybe it could be a collaborative week with spirit managing the merch. those are my main pieces of feedback, but overall i think wow was a success and the daily graphics were vv cute <33

  3. hi rec!! :D

    great job on your first event of the year! i personally think it went well and it really got me in the back to school spirit. something to work on for not only rec is increasing 2024 involvement! i didn't see a lot of freshmen participate in the social media challenge partially because it was the first week and i think they're a bit unfamiliar with the new environment. it would be great if yall could explain the event or include some sort of context next time! it would also be cooler if there were teacher submissions as well since i think that would also help teachers show their personalities/help students get to know them. mmm for incentives, something classic would be a class competition? i remember a lot of people participated in the online social media challenge/spirit week in march when it was regarding class pride.
    i liked the graphics and creative alliteration LOL like tea-time tuesday and treat yourself thursday were very cute. im looking forward to more fun rec events in the future!! (✪‿✪)ノ

  4. hi rec!!!

    first of all it must've been hard to organize everything for the very first event of the year, so great job! i think the event overall went very smoothly. here are my thoughts heehee.

    participation: obv the participation could have been better (in the least mean way possible). i think it was kind of to be expected, what with everyone sad about distance learning and also it being the first event of the year. i think that we could DEFINITELY increase ASB participation– that's something we should really work on next time. seeing just the number of people in asb participate would encourage a lot more people to participate as well. a few of my friends even told me that they wanted to participate, but no one in our class (2024) was really doing it so they didn't want to "stand out".

    pr/outreach: if i may say so myself i think pr did a good job with outreach hahahh. having everyone spam the graphic was really effective!

    duration of event: it was good! one week made sense.

    incentives/rewards: yeahh a reward or incentive would have increased participation, i think. maybe a shoutout to the class that participated the most on the lynbrook asb instagram, food, points, etc.

    staff involvement: there was no staff involvement! i think you could def increase the reach next time to include staff as well.

    use of multiple platforms: instagram is the platform most commonly used for stories. good choice :)

    spirit day ideas: incorporate current trends? oh for wf people could submit pics of them in what they were going to wear. (but it doesn't have to be real clothes bc that's expensive, and you could edit funny clothes on ykyk)

    that's it! great job rec. oh, a little side note about the fb cover graphic i designed: we definitely should have used the group chat from the beginning, instead of me asking zoe and then her asking the rest of rec, and then reporting back etc. etc. also, next time, if you (or anyone else) could have the dimensions for the graphic, more details (colors, basic design, and fonts), etc. upfront, that would everything a lot easier! no shade no shade, just a suggestion lol.

  5. hi rec !! first off, awesome job pulling off wow, it's definitely been difficult to increase engagement recently and i think there was a lot of participation overall. i think that for future events, it would definitely be nice to give teachers opportunities for engagement as well, especially now when we see our teachers so much less.
    for other spirit day ideas, i think it would be an interesting idea to have some sort of class competition where submissions that require more effort or that are less anonymous be worth more points and have easier actions be worth less points. i think having the activities that people are less willing to do be worth more points would help encourage engagement for that specific activity.
    also, i think the concern of some students not having instagram is a problem, but i don't think it's necessary to try and use other platforms since i think a majority of our audience is on instagram. maybe for bigger spirit weeks we could give students the opportunity to send in their submissions through email and have it featured on the instagram instead.
    again, great job rec!

  6. Hi I am rec.

    I think bc of virtualness, we could cater to different groups/talents.

    So maybe like people who play instruments can play instruments.

    obv this is not something everyone can participate in, but I think that it will help people who don't normally participate be involved.

    Great job Lindsey and rec <3

    - Lindsey

  7. hello asb rec!!

    good job with making an event so early in the year on like such a tight schedule that is like really good and impressive. i think this event went pretty well!!! it was a lot of fun to be able to post on my story what i was wearing and what i was eating throughout the week! the duration was good because anything asb related that lasts longer than a week is like exhausting for me, and it is also a lot of work to plan.

    one thing you mentioned was having rewards, and i think that making some kind of reward incentive competition element would be really cool and gauge a lot more interest because people like free things!!

    i think that repetitive days was definitely something to be aware of. lindsey mentioned right above me that having one day dedicated to a musical instrument would be good and i totally agree! a lot of people at lynbrook are like in band or orchestra and like playing an instrument is pretty common.

    ok i hope you enjoyed reading that and that helped in some way!


  8. Hey Rec!

    Fantastic job pulling off this event literally the first week of school when everybody is just settling into the school year! We all know it was a super tight schedule, and first I just wanted to commend you guys on the amazing turnaround time for this event. The five challenges spaced over a week is a tried and true method, and it's definitely worked well!

    I think something that might be interesting to consider is the nature of the challenges. Although by using one platform like Instagram and having them do simple challenges is relatively low barrier to entry, I felt that overall the challenges weren't very exciting to most people and there wasn't really an incentive to do it. It wasn't really something students could brag about to their friends or especially something a person would normally post on their own social medias, which I think it actually a pretty big deciding factor as a lot of people want to maintain consistent social media presences.

    Maybe in the future you could make the prompts a little more open-ended and open to interpretation? That could be something to consider. Also, using more platforms would be really nice for introducing more people. Lastly, something like sending out an email to students or even trying to get Link Crew involved in this (i.e Have leaders challenge their students or something) would really help spice up the involvement!

  9. Hey rec!

    Great job with planning this event amidst the chaos of the first week of school. While this event may not have received the participation we hoped, I believe it is simply difficult to get adjusted to both school starting and remote learning. During normal schools days, we would have announcements and posters/flyers around campus to promote this event. So we need to brainstorm more PR ideas, I would suggest getting the teachers more involved.
    1. Have 1st period teachers briefly mention the events ASB is holding the upcoming week, give them a 3 minute script
    2. create a virtual background for teachers to use that has some information about the events (text would probably be small, but worth a try)
    3. schoology email blasts

    In terms of incentives/rewards: while they would increase participation, I think people would have participated more if they understood/knew about the event a little more.

    Otherwise, this was a very well planned event.

    - Jonathan

  10. hi rec!

    first of all thank you for making the event! it's especially challenging right now with distance learning and everything being online, but all of you still put out an amazing event. I think that it was a bit difficult getting participation this time around because firstly the class of 2024 is still adapting to entering high school online, and we've all been in quarantine for a while now, and I think people might be less enthusiastic about doing everything online. however, it seems like a lot of people liked to participate on the days regarding what they're eating/doing, so I think it'd be nice to go in a direction where people showcase what they are doing vs. needing to show pictures of themselves. I especially saw a lot of stories where people showcased the foods they cooked/baked in quarantine, so I think maybe in the future just rolling with that and maybe doing more days related to what they've been doing at home.

    I think another issue might've been not having enough promotion for the event. It's completely understandable that it's difficult to have pushed out a lot of pr with school literally starting during that week, but I think some people were still unaware of the event/how the event worked.

    other than that, fantastic job! thank you for all your work <3

  11. Hi rec!

    Thanks so much for planning this event! It was lots of fun participating, and you guys did a great job.

    As with any event, there could have been more participation, but I think you guys did a good job with coming up with days that were easy to participate in. That being said, maybe promoting the event more could've helped increase participation- especially with the class of 2024. The big graphic kind of came out of nowhere and there was no explanation as to what this event was and why we were doing it. I think even just adding a little text explaining we wanted to welcome the new school year with spirit would give people a purpose to work towards. Another thing, which is totally not in rec's control, is that many 2024 students may not have joined Instagram or followed Lynbrook's social media pages yet. Maybe sending the days out through email and encouraging students to join social media would help not only with spreading information for the event, but garner more participation in general for future events.

    That's all I had for this event. Great job rec, it was an amazing first week of school :)

  12. Hey rec!

    Great job pumping out Week of Welcome as one of the first virtual events. I think one noticeable flaw was a lack of participation, especially in the class of 2024. I think that since ASB is primarily composed of upperclassmen, the class of 2024 especially doesn't see our social media posts and consequently don't notice the social media participation which would prompt them to participate as well. A quick fix for us to put in motion as ASB is to try and incorporate more underclassmen into our own social media circles. To advertise the event more beyond just Instagram and Facebook, you could also look into asking teachers to announce it during Homeroom and sending an email blast to all students. Besides that, it was a fun spirit week and well planned. Great job, keep it up guys!


  13. hello rec!

    like many people mentioned above, garnering participation, especially among freshmen, was difficult for this event because we couldn't access a lot of the student body through the platforms we used. i know we were planning on having PR connect with freshmen through the lynbrook instagram page, so that could have been done in advance. additionally, we could've promoted the event more by filming short promo clips so that people would be able to hear and have the event explained to them instead of relying on graphics, which we only posted the night before.

    traditionally, week of welcome was usually about offering something to students to make the transition into school easier- drinks, snacks, goodies etc. while we couldn't do that this year, i think we could have looked into more ways to offer incentives or engage with students so that it was more of a "welcoming" experience, especially for freshmen. perhaps this could've been done by putting up recipes in conjunction with our food days, sharing wellness tips on wellness day, or through an incentive program when the lynbrook app gets through testing.

    overall, i think the event was pretty solid for our first major online event :) shoutout to PR for making an adorable graphic and to everyone for participating!

    -allison (rec)

  14. hi rec!!

    as many other people have mentioned, lack of participation was the biggest flaw with this event (especially with 24.) the freshman bio teachers have helped asb quite a bit with sharing information so maybe you could have used them to get the word out. link crew could have done this as well. i also think having incentives or some sort of prize would have made the whole week more motivating. there wasn't really a satisfaction to posting. regardless, this was a great first event and i'm sure it was difficult planning the whole thing virtually so props to y'all for that! keep up the fantastic work <33

    - esha :))

  15. HELLO Rec (Zrec)

    just some key thoughts:

    participation: we needed to get more people to participate -> honestly asking our friends and people we know individually to get them started (the more people who post, the more who will follow) would have been a great idea along with the asb class

    staff involvement: we didn't involve staff (mainly b/c it was the beg of the year) but def for future events we will!

    duration: a week is great!

    posting on more platforms: a very good idea, but we need to figure out how to get people to participate on multiple platforms if they're having trouble posting on just one.

    key note: for all future events, let's do an explanation on our social media to tell everyone what is going to be going on!

    overall: I think for the first big event for virtual asb it went pretty well!

    <3 Zoe

  16. Hi rec! Posting this so that it's documented here, but congrats to y'all for pulling off the first event of the year.
    First off, I definitely agree with what many others mentioned above, which is that participation was a little bit lacking, especially from 2024. Many of us do not know or interact with the freshman class, so it makes sense that they would not feel as comfortable participating. We could have also contacted admin to include this event in an email to the whole student body, like Mr. Lee helped us with for many events last year.
    Also keep in mind that we probably will not be able to provided freebies or snacks this year, so definitely look into alternatives for future events.
    Another idea that might increase participation is to make the event a class competition. When we had a district-wide competition between schools a few months ago, many students were more motivated to participate every day. Although, we did want to kind of keep everyone unified and not start off the year with a competition.
    All in all, there were a few aspects that could have been improved and more refined, but Week of Welcome this year was different and gave us a lot of perspective on what this upcoming year might look like.

  17. Hi Rec!

    I thought that this week of welcome was really cool! Props to PR for the nice graphics! I think that the biggest flaw was the lack of participation from 2024, who it was aimed for. Although I'm not sure if any of things would have helped, there could have been more advertisement through other platforms (ie facebook) and more outreach to freshman, possibly via connections in asb and/or freshman teachers. Because it was virtual, I understand it being hard to give incentives that are not physical, and I think that it went really well for the circumstances at hand!

  18. hey rec!

    congrats on a dope first spirit week! we've all had to figure out how we're gonna adapt our commission's work to completely online, and i think y'all killed it! social media challenges are really cool because they're adaptable enough to use the same model throughout the year (or however long this lasts). i think that engagement and participation was kinda an issue this time around, so i have a couple ideas to increase participation. first is to provide merch or something like that as a reward in either a raffle or just for the best entry into each contest. everybody above said it but i really do think that's a good idea! a lot of classes have left over merch, so i think asking co's if they could spare one piece for the contest so that you can give the equivalent of vip viking awards per class could be a really good idea - it solves two problems at once. another idea for upcoming spirit weeks is releasing a google form or question sticker on our ig suggesting spirit week/challenge ideas. i think that could help boost engagement as it would more directly show what the student body wants, but also would give huge incentive for those who suggested and their friends to participate.

    all in all, considering this was the first week of welcome virtually, i think y'all killed it! good stuff
    - pranay

  19. Hi rec!

    Congrats on your event!! I thought it went really well, and it was a great way to start off the new year. One thing that I noticed was that Tuesday's and Thursday's theme was a bit repetitive, as they both revolved around taking a picture of food. I also think that it would be great if you could increase your outreach, by informing admin/teachers, using multiple platforms, etc. because not a lot of people were aware of the spirit week. A lot of people already mentioned this already, but I think having an incentive, such as giving points for participation and competing between classes, could've helped to increase participation and excitement over the event. Overall, these were definitely tough circumstances, and despite that, you guys did great!

    -Marissa :))

  20. Hi Rec!

    As a freshman, I thought this event was a great way to kick off high school! It was really cool to see school spirit on the first few days of school. Here are just a few suggestions/fixes that have been or could be made :)

    I think the days incorporating pictures of food were much more successful and liked (because let's be honest we love flexing our meals on insta haha) so maybe focusing on what people already tend to post on their stories (e.g. sunsets, pics w friends, food, drinks, etc.).

    Additionally, I think submitting on the app really increased participation of the people who don't have social medias and the people who don't like to post publicly.

    Other than these I think it went great and y'all did such an amazing job! :))

    <3 Anika


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