ASB Resources Video Feedback!!

 hey guys! pr recently released the ASB resources video, which was made to explain to students (especially freshman) what ASB was, how it can help them, and how they can get involved. it was a pretty chill project and it wasn’t mandatory to watch or anything, but if you did see it we’d love to get some feedback! especially any notes on the content/editing for use in future years.

here's the video!


  1. Hey PR!

    I really enjoyed the ASB Resources Video, and congratulations on sending it out so quickly into the school year! Both Tech and PR did an amazing job with the videography, and the information provided would've definitely been helpful back when I was a freshman!

    The explanations were really concise and helpful, and maybe one thing you could consider including in next year's script could be SSC (School Site Council). I remember that it was mentioned in the beginning of the video as something ASB liased to, but was never elaborated on further. Furthermore, it was something the students could directly be involved in right now!

    Other than that, there really wasn't else I could think of in terms of feedback (as I'm currently unfamiliar with the planning background of the event). I did notice that there were some slight hiccups with delivering the information, but that's inevitable in long monologues to cameras.

  2. Hi PR!

    Awesome video! It was definitely very informative, and all the information was delivered clearly and concisely.

    I especially like the emphasis on how everyone is a part of ASB, and that one doesn't have to be a part of executive council or legislative council to get involved. It encourages students to get involved in activities that interest them, and I think it's really great that this message is being conveyed more and more.

    Perhaps one thing that could have been mentioned was that the class presidents are also part of the ASB class (I feel rather strange saying this haha), but I feel that Class officers were pretty separate from the ASB commissions in the video, and including class presidents in the asb introduction could help with bridging the gap between ASB and classes.

    Otherwise, thank you for working so hard to create this wonderful video!

  3. Hey PR!

    I loved how concise and comprehensive the video was— the information was presented clearly and having different people speak brought new attention and a fresh perspective to each topic, making it seem more natural.

    With the running captions, I think a different way of presenting the information could have been to keep the captions but also keep certain words on the screen either over or next to the speaker's face (like in Anton's clip). This way, key words or phrases will stand out and the audience will be able to always be engaged or at least understand what is going on, since there is a lot of talking. Adding visuals (eg. footage from class events when talking about class office, footage from dances and hoco when describing hoco) might also be helpful in a) keeping people's attention and b) helping people connect what is being heard with something tangible— especially for people new to the school or are not familiar with the culture.

    Overall, the video was well shot, the audio was clean, and it was excellent in serving its purpose. Amazing job!

    - Allison <3

  4. Hey PR!

    awesome job with the video! super clean, looked very presentable and the content was very informative and helpful. adding the visuals with the photos or the overlaid text took the video to another level.

    some things were 1 clip was out of focus and there was some stuttering and pauses when talking and there was some shakiness to the video. for next time using a tripod and locking in manual focus before recording can help

    other than that rly great job! keep it up

    - pranav

  5. hi pr (+tech)

    thank you guys for putting this together! I absolutely loved the filming quality, you guys are very cute :))

    few suggestions:
    - diagrams, graphics, or more emphasized words on the screen would really help because with this amount of words, it's pretty easy for all of this to fly over someone's head
    - as a freshmen, I didn't know what ASB was until March so I really think this video is pretty valuable and for that reason, should maybe be played in Lit classes (would have to be made a bit shorter though) or something next time so freshmen can actually be connected to ASB in this way
    - i think tons of emphasis on how they can get involved is important so they understand why its worth watching!

    overal, great great job <3
    - vijaya

  6. Hey Pr !!

    Amazing job with the resources video especially with such short notice it was quite awesome!!

    I really liked how you emphasized what ASB was as a whole. I don't think I realized ASB was more than our freshman class officers until May of my freshman year. The captions and text were also super helpful and helped make points a lot more clear.

    At times there was quite a bit of wind noise but I assume it is because maybe the mic was not able to block it out entirely.

    Other than that the video was amazing and I think that the concept and execution behind it was phenomenal!

    Can't wait for future versions of these videos next year ;)

  7. HI PR!

    The video was amazing and super informative. A few things if we ever re-make it or update it:

    - Include a graphic or a visual that shows he different sects of ASB and how it all works as you're describing it ex: A seperation of ASB and class officers + the CP's overlapping between both
    - I would echo the fact that SSC needs to be included + our back up leg council positions in case they apply and they don't get selected (so they know it's a possibility)
    - Include dates for applications as you speak about them (or months in general if we want this to be used every year)
    - Include more diverse ASB ppl + leg councilors to come and explain too!!

    Overall, great job and thanks for taking initiative :)

    - Kanav

  8. hey pr!!
    thank you for putting so much effort into the resources video, it definitely helped all students (especially freshmen) get to know more about ASB and lynbrook in general. it was filmed and edited super well so great job!!

    some points for next time:
    - instead of a fully speaking video, some graphics or non-speaking videos would be helpful to visualize some of the points/content
    - like what kanav said, include more diverse members of the student body so it's more representative :)

    I definitely think you guys executed this super well (especially as it's the first time!) and I loved that you encouraged everyone to get involved, which is really important :) again, thank you pr!! great job <3

  9. Hi pr!

    super good job with this video! i know that you guys had to have a super fast turnaround time, and the end result looks really good! The whole process of getting into ASB was so confusing to me in the past, but this video explains it very well. I never really had a clear idea what ASB was when I was a freshman, so I think making this video was super helpful for whoever is new to Lynbrook!

    One suggestion I have is to use a better font for subtitles. The font is a bit long and have some angles in weird places, and it is a bit harder to read compared to a more rounder serif such as Helvetica. In addition, I think using visual diagrams may help to explain, rather than just saying all of the information verbally.

    Other than that, good job!


  10. Hi pr!

    This video was great with letting students, especially the freshman know, know all about the resources ASB offers.

    some things to imporve:
    - have graphics while the people are speaking so there is a more visual aspect
    - more diversity in students who are speaking

    great job!

  11. hey pr!!

    i really loved the video! it was rly nice to watch along w the back to school night vids and extremely informative. i thought the editing and quality were amazing and i liked the clips on the side/over the audio that spiced up the video. i think there definitely could've been more of that throughout the video or changes in location because there were a few times throughout when there was a lot of talking.

    i really loved the concept of the video and how asb was clearly explained to us, because it can be confusing! thank you so much pr and i hope this helped!! :))

  12. Hey PR!

    Great idea and great job on the ASB Resources Video! This is a good mainstay staple that can be shown to freshmen in the future :))) I heard lots of good feedback from freshmen and teachers of freshmen, and the video looked good to me as well! Some potential suggestions for future iterations of this project include publishing the script so people can quickly read info they want to know about when they are referring back to the video, as well as to add more clips of Lynbrook student life (though I understand this was made on a very tight deadline).

    Nice job!

  13. hi pr!!

    a lot of people have already stated this, but though the video was clean and easy to understand, this is information that can get lost really easily. utilising graphics, a doc with the information, some sort of timeline on screen, or another visual reminder for students (as well as potentially continuing these videos throughout the year, ie for second semester leg rep applications and as we go into elections season for continued guidance) could help those watching understand what's going on.

    overall, it was a really good idea and one that I hope we continue to do in future years, even when we are in person - good job <33


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