september pr video !!

 greeeeetings !!!!

the september pr video was aired in homeroom 2 weeks ago. it was the first pr video of the year so we would love to get your thoughts on it!

some things we thought went well: 

-all signups on time and scripts turned in timely

-refilming went pretty smoothly even with the last minute notice (thank you all!)

-the date was before a lot of september events and updates so a lot of info could be said

some things we thought did not go well:

-difficult to find songs that work well with the video but aren't overused and are clean

-harder to hear people in general now because of masks 

-filming took a long time for every commission (adjusting to remote is a little difficult)

-using zoom clips can lower the quality of the video but hard to find alternatives (like the admin clip)

-lighting is tricky because filming is condensed to less days and more commissions per day as opposed to last year filming one commission a day in breakout so the lighting changes quickly within an hour

extra question: as a viewer, do you prefer watching commissions together in the same clip with masks on, or watching one person in frame at a time getting to talk with their masks off?

comment NOW!!!!!!!!!! this is for you kanav



  1. helloo, overall the video was really cute and it wasn't boring at all. I think that yall did a great job adjusting to remote learning! you guys already addressed a lot of the things that could be improved upon, but here's my take. It was weird to see some people wearing masks and some people not for the individual scene, I think there should be some type of consistency. But I know that was mostly cuz of reshooting. And for the zoom clips, maybe they could just film a video of themselves instead? finally addressing the extra question, I think it's okay to mix it up!

  2. hi pr! I think the video was really good, especially with having to refilm everything it still turned out well. I think some of the issues was the bad smoky weather and how it wasn't lit well, but that was out of everyone's control, but maybe filming a little bit earlier could've helped. I also think the video was a little bit too long, since the attention span during homeroom is usually pretty short. Overall, it was really great especially with all the unprecedented circumstances!

  3. wow good job on this video!! it really sucks that we had to film everything twice but that is like something that was out of your control, and overall y'all did a great job to refilm given the circumstances! my friend from homestead runs a podcast with her friends, and what they do is they zoom call, and use their individual phones as microphones to get nicer audio quality. if zoom call videos are a future thing for pr video, i would recommend doing the same, and then lining up the audio in post so that is clearer and easier to hear. i think other than that, good job on the video!


    Overall the video looked super smooth and I especially liked the spirit, PR, and 2021 intros. You guys did a great job of rolling with the punches and refilming everything on time. Here are somethings to consider for future PR videos:

    - WEAR MASKS WHEN FILMING. Especially whoever's behind the camera and tech. Clink noticed that we had to sometimes remind the people filming to wear masks, and even though we were all outside, because it was such a large group it made sense to
    - I know there were a lot of announcements to get through but the video was pretty long so possibly capping which announcements get in OR keeping the admin introduction to like 30 seconds
    - it might be cool to change the announcement location even if it's just a different spot in rainbow park

    Other thank that you mentioned everything already. Good job!


    Overall I really enjoyed the video and it was very high quality.

    A few things:
    - The introduction part for each commission and officers was a little long and was hard to keep my attention
    - If people are on zoom, maybe tell them before hand to center themselves. Mrs. Rocha was a lot lower than ms. Jackson.
    - Something we did last year was we often had themes for the video. I know there's no holidays in September but for the future we could have all commissions coordinate a theme.
    - I really liked the transitions in the video and editing, so good job

  6. hellooo pr and tech
    The september pr vid was rly cute and well put together considering the current situation and that it was the first one this year.
    Personally, I felt that having individuals talk without masks in their own frames made it easier to focus on and understand what they were saying, as opposed to a group of people talking with masks on. It also looked a bit more professional. In addition, because of the pure amount of information that needed to be addressed, the video felt very loaded and had a lot going on. Maybe in the future, there could be an overlying theme that would help make the video more cohesive? Lastly, I think filming times could have been a bit more efficient and organized, but I definitely understand why there may have been some issues, and some of it was not in our control.
    Similar to last year, I liked how there was a page at the end with all of the information mentioned in the video. It might have also been a little overwhelming, but because of how much information there was, I don't think we had many other better options. The transitions were pretty natural and I really liked the CP's battle of the classes announcements because the way they were filmed seemed rly clear and easy to follow (maybe because of the lighting plus no masks?).
    Good work and keep it up!

  7. PR!! september pr video was so cute! especially with having to refilm, the smoky weather, and lighting y’all handled the situation super well and did a great job. one of the main things i think pr could improve on was how long the announcements were. nine minutes for a video is quite a long time and i feel like the student body won’t really retain all the information since the video was so loaded. also, i feel like individual shots without masks are nicer cause of the sound quality BUT if everyone can’t be safe about this and be distant, then having shots with masks may be a better idea. obviously our safety matters more and its key we keep that in mind. overall, great job and i can’t wait to see future pr videos <33

  8. Grettings!

    There were definitely a LOT of challenges with this PR video, especially with adjusting to how pr videos would work with remote learning and social distancing, but overall, you guys handled it really really well. Filming went pretty efficiently, but definitely emphasize to everyone present that they have to wear their masks at all times. I think both options have their pros, with 1 person talking, it's very easy to hear and understand what they're saying and it looks very professional (ex. BOTC announcement). With multiple people in frame, it is a lot more exciting and engaging. I think maybe a mixture of both filming methods, depending on the content of what information is being presented can determine which one exactly. But overall, it was a lot to plan in a really short amount of time with new and uncertain circumstances, and it was still a super good video and you guys pulled it together really well!

  9. Hi PR!! I thought overall the pr video went pretty well! It was a cute and wholesome video that made me excited to be back at school (virtual or not). Just a few comments for today! I understand we need to social distance, but having the commissions stand awkwardly six fit a part for skits looks a bit weird so if its possible, have people stand individually in front of the camera with their masks off (SOCIALLY distanced of course) because it'll look much much better. Other than that, I really liked the video and great job!!

  10. Hey PR!!

    The September Pr video was so cool!! From the editing to how you all managed to make everything look so seamless(almost as if we were back at school) was amazing! I think the only complaint I had regarding the video was the audio and I think that is something you have already mentioned :). I also agree with most and believe that the one person in frame without a mask looks and sounds a lot better than trying to have multiple people six feet apart in one frame. I cant wait to see the October Pr video ;)

  11. what's good pr and tech!!
    thank you for starting off the school year strong with an amazing pr video! i think you all did a great job planning it and communicating with each commission about filming times. im glad that the commission intros looked great since i was a bit worried about the parts where we had to refilm under the smokey weather. i also liked the timeline at the end of the video as it gives me a recap of the upcoming dates/events! something minor that i noticed is the subtitles are sometimes hard to read since they were white so i recommend maybe a semi-transparent background behind the text? overall you did a good job and i cant wait see to see future pr videos!!

  12. hey pr/tech!!

    to start off i love how you guys were able to preserve the exciting, wholesome community vibes that we typically get out of our pr videos so excellent job on that! watching the pr video was so fun because it made me feel like we were all "at school" again though we were still remote. the video this month was a little long, but that was probably just because of all the "welcome back" announcements we had. this is more of a note to commissions but— since we are limited in the kinds of 'scenes' we can have in the videos this year due to social distancing guidelines, it might be fun to have props or other things involved when people are speaking to keep people engaged.

    i think it's a lot better to have commission members film separately with masks off (rec started doing that this month!) for two reasons a) we get a clearer image of who is speaking, so the audience is more engaged and b) the audio is a lot clearer without the masks, and the masks tend to ride up when we record since we kind of have to yell.

    overall, i thought the video was super well executed given the circumstances and i'm excited to see what you guys put out for october!

    -allison <3

  13. Hi pr!
    I think that this video turned out really good, especially with all of the complications that arose. I think that the staff zoom videos were incorporated really well. In the future, I think it would be good to be more strict with the amount of time each commission has, as well as schedule so only one or two commissions are there at a time to avoid having a lot of people there at once. But overall I think that the video was really nice!

  14. Hey PR!

    Fantastic job adapting to the new circumstances with COVID! You guys did an amazing job pulling off such a well-recorded video with the completely new filming guidelines, so major props to that! I thought that for filming, a lot of commissions ended up waiting a long time to film their own introduction, wait for others to finish, then record their announcement. It would be much better if the scheduling allowed for introduction and announcements to be filmed together! Also, maybe some more consistency for the introductions would be helpful. Some where super short and others were super drawn out, so normalizing that could help.

    Otherwise, you guys did amazing! Personally, I think one person without masks is a lot clearer and easier to hear. Also, maybe we could consider a Lavalier?

    Overall, amazing job! Also props to tech for the fantastic editing. I couldn't even tell the sky was red :)

  15. hey pr!

    first off, amazing video! y'all did a great job of making it super similar to older pr videos - filming in rainbow worked out pretty well and although it's not the same as recording on campus with everybody in the same shot, it looks pretty good! I think that in terms of making the staff videos better, we could do something similar to what we're trying out with the ramen challenge (although we have yet to see how well it'll work), where they stay on a zoom call together so that they can communicate, but record themselves separately with their phones. As long as the angle they record from is alright, and they wear headphones connected to the zoom call, it should work out and while it won't be near the quality of Tech's cameras, it will still be far above the potatocam zoom recordings. Music is also something that's really tough to deal with (something i've found during the editing process), and to be honest I'm not sure there's a solid solution. It's really hard to pick a song that people know and that fits the vibe of the video but making sure that it's TOTALLY void of any allusions to anything and I think that we'll just have to find the balance each song we make. I know in class it was suggested that we open up song suggestions to the entire class, but I think that at most it should be open up to the PR and Tech project leads - the problem is that the editor has to think about how the video lines up with the clips and has to actually end up editing them together at the end, and I think that it would get really hard if the editor got stuck with a song they didn't like and then editing would turn into more of a chore than it already is. I think that shooting times already have gotten a lot better with the october PR video, as we now understand the etiquette of recording while remaining socially distant, so I think that a lot of those problems were just because it was such a new format and there were so many unique challenges. All in all, considering that the video was the first during distance learning, and that during the filming we had to deal with so many unique challenges, I think it was pretty good, and I think that we learned a lot of important lessons along the way.

  16. Hey Pr!

    Though we had to refilm and filming sessions took longer than usual, I think you guys did a really great job! It was difficult to plan for the first pr video in this virtual/shelter in place situation, and you guys handled it perfectly. One thing that I remember by homeroom teacher mentioning was the choice of music. He thought Blueberry Faygo was inappropriate and began on a rant about choosing poor music. Maybe be a little stricter on music choice so teachers do not feel the urge to talk poorly about it?

    nevertheless, great job!

  17. Hey PR!

    The video was so cute!! I loved all the small transitions you guys did (especially that golf ball one ;). It really put the entire video together and gave the effect that we were all connected.

    Regarding group vs single videos, I think a combination of both would be best. Filming a group brings a sense of togetherness and collaboration. However, a single person frame retains the audience's attention better, and it's easy to figure out what people are saying. Thus, I feel like using majority single person clips with little group clips mixed in would be the best option.

    Overall, amazing job!!
    - Emma

  18. Hey PR!

    Fantastic job with the pr video! I thought the video was well edited and it was informational and enjoyable to watch. For the extra question, I think it really depends on what the commission is filming. I think a good format is having the whole commission doing a quick intro followed by individual clips for any further information they want to talk about. This way the video doesn’t seem like its jumping around as much.

    - Joe

  19. hii pr!

    the september pr video was adorable! its honestly shocking to see how large the upgrade is from the miller announcements to the lynbrook ones lmaoo,, the organization and editing were really smooth and i loved the outcome. i do think there were some problems with the zoom audio clip for the teachers like you mentioned, so possibly next time have them record themselves on their phone, the quality may be a bit better. as for the extra question, i think the in person shots are a bit more personal (and it's nice to see people's real faces w/out masks!) but group is definitely cuter for skits, so a mix of both would probably have the best result.

    hope this helped! :))

  20. hi pr/tech!

    great job with the first pr video of the year!! the commission intros were really creative and the video quality was excellent! regarding the last question, i think it's good to switch it up! it's a lot easier for the viewer to understand the speakers if they have their masks off, but when necessary, having two to three people in frame at once with masks on is great, too! as for filming, i agree that there needs to be a stricter schedule so that no one's time is wasted.


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