Club Info week was from 9/8-9/11 this year. Here are clinks lessons/things to consider in coming up with your feedback. Thank you in advance for your feedback.  <3 Clink

Some teachers would have preferred we use homeroom instead of using bio to show video to freshman
- EARLIER: Try to give clubs more time to create videos or online resources (quick turnarounds turned into some clubs asking for extensions) → stagger this with start of school process
-First week of school: Assimilate
-Second week: ICC
-Third week: ICC forms due
-Fourth week: CIW 
- Club advisors dropped/moved schools SO at the end of year every year, have check-in process to make sure clubs are figuring out important details BEFORE the start of the next school year (update Master Clubs list, email to adviser, etc.)
-We sent out a form during the staff breakfast for new staff who were willing to be advisors and used those submissions to mitigate this issue
-MAKE STRIKE POLICY A LITTLE CLEARER ( we didn’t strike for in-person filming and some clubs got mad that other clubs did that)


  1. Hi Clink!

    I just wanted to start off saying saying, thank you so much for all the hard work you put into this event. It was such a huge project and it was done extremely well. Great job!!

    Aside from some timing issues, which some clubs struggled with, I think all the information about clubs could have been centralized a bit earlier. There was the Lynbrook ASB website clubs page, but not all the info about each club (video, zoom link, meeting time, mailing list, registration, etc.) was on there until a while into CIW. That made finding information a little more difficult, but everyone was on a time crunch, so I'm sure it was difficult to compile everything. Otherwise, I think the clubs website page should also require links the be shortened, and then get rid of the horizontal scroll, because it's hard to tell which club's info you're looking at when you scroll to the columns on the right.

    Otherwise, great job! The club videos and introductions were very informative and scheduling was all very clear. You guys did awesome! \(^○^)人(^○^)/
    - emma

  2. Hi Clink!

    Virtual club info week was so fun! I love how the clubs each had the chance to represent themselves uniquely in their own ways.

    While Instagram spams and posting times are scattered, I think it would have been nice if we were able to keep the sort of "staggered" system we had in the past, where interest clubs would post on one day, the competition clubs, etc. This way the posting would seem more organized and it would be easier for students to navigate. Especially given how confusing virtual club rush can be with all the different graphics and videos, it might've also been helpful to partner with Tech or PR to create a short ASB video introducing the different types of clubs near the start of the week so that people can know what to expect on each day and maybe begin planning what they want to register for.

    I noticed that in a lot of the "first meetings" I went to, there were a lot of issues with registration and making sure all members were receiving emails. In the past, students could walk up to a booth and immediately register for a club, while this year registration links might have been buried in text blocks, video links, and Zoom links. Perhaps having a story or post on the ASB Instagram with a) all the clubs that will be introduced the next day and b) all clubs that were already introduced (names only, of course) with the sign up link might make navigation easier.

    Club info week was a blast and an amazing way to kick of the year. Without reading the reflections, I would've assumed that everything ran as expected behind the scenes with how the event turned out. Great job, Clink!

    -Allison <3

  3. hi clink!

    first off really good work with CIW. I can only imagine how crazy it must have been organizing all 80+ clubs virtually. you guys came up with an amazing solution and at least from personal experience worked really well. the 2 videos were also well received and were very helpful for the freshman and student body.

    some things for next year (if virtual) is giving clubs more time to produce their cid video as it was somewhat time crunched. explaining why interest clubs get 2 days as I got a lot of questions from students and other club officers as to why. and on the flow chart making the interest clubs names visible over the dark color background.

    other than that really great job! im excited for virtual clubbing this year

    - pranav

  4. Hey Clink!

    Amazing job with the virtual CIW. I imagine that the transition must've been extremely hectic and difficult in terms of logistically, but you guys pulled it off beautifully and managed to effectively communicate all of the possible clubs to the student body! I really loved how you leveraged and provided so many different resources (including flowcharts, matrix, schedules, etc.) that were super helpful for everybody in organizing the virtual clubs.

    For next year assuming the virtual format continues, I thought that maybe giving some more standardized guidelines for the video laid out in a doc (instead of maybe just presented), as it would really help clear up some of the confusion that you guys talked about with some of the clubs. Also, I thought that directly linking a Youtube Playlist with so many videos made it so that some clubs were really hard to find (as most people wouldn't watch the entire playlist), so maybe attaching it directly to the list of clubs might've been helpful, as it would allow students to directly find the videos for the clubs they were interested in.

    Other than that, you guys did amazing and keep it up for the rest of the year!

  5. Hey Clink!

    Amazing job with CIW. I know that it must have taken a lot of work to plan to move an event this big and prominent on campus fully virtual! I loved how every club was given an equal opportunity to be showcased and that even though everything was still virtual that clubs were able to reach out and onboard new members!

    Hopefully next year won't be virtual (fingers crossed) but if it is I think there were a few key takeaways I gathered from this:
    - Lots of confusion when it came to when clubs could post, I know that a lot of clubs were not only confused but daunted by the fact that they could get penalized if they posted on social media on a different day. I understand that this had to be done in order to make sure that each club had a sufficient amount of time in the spotlight but I feel that a lot clubs may have felt that this was unfair.
    - Short turn around time, I know that Clink had to ensure that this event had to organized quickly and had to be presented to the student body ASAP but a lot of club officers are involved in numerous clubs and trying to organize a 3-5 min promo video in such a short time frame (like a week) may be difficult for some.

    Other than that I was super impressed by how you guys managed to migrate it to virtual so seamlessly and I can't wait to see some of your other activities in the works:)

  6. Hey Clink! You guys did a really good job moving this event to a virtual platform. With the Instagram spams, Facebook Posts, and renovations to the ASB Website, I think students were able to see all the clubs on campus and learn how they function this year. Given that virtual Club Info Week went really well, I think implementing some of the virtual things (like clubs intro videos) could be used in a face-to-face setting as well. This gives people more options to learn about different clubs.

    However, I do think everything was a little rushed, like you guys also noticed. Clubs had a really short amount of time to check in with their advisors and create videos, so that is something for next year (or whenever school is virtual again). Maybe you could email all the clubs right at the beginning of the school year so they are aware of what they need to do. Overall, you guys should be proud of all the work you did for this event!

  7. hi clink!! great job on club info week and adapting so well to the new guidelines :) y'all should be so proud of yourselves for pulling it off! I really think that using the three days was a lot smarter than packing it all into one day (which is what many schools did)--this definitely helped lessen the spam per day. however, the instructions were a little bit unclear in terms of when you could post, some officers were confused when clubs were posting outside of their designated time that wasn't CIW, but it turned out fine! I do agree that it was rushed, but with a tight schedule, it seemed like you guys did the best you could in the time you had.

    I especially loved how you all used the website and the many resources you all provided and organized everything. The videos, matrix, schedules, etc. were very useful for all students (but freshmen in particular). A lot of the above comments I totally agree with, so I don't want to reiterate what they said haha

    PS thanks for making ARK first on the list ;) <3

  8. Hi clink!

    First of all, good job overall with all of the work y’all put into CIW! There are so many clubs on campus and I think you guys did a great job managing everything!

    I think that having a website or page designated for helping clubs advertise for themselves or create a video was a really good idea! I think in the future though, you should make the maximum time allowed for the video to be shorter. There are just so many clubs on campus, and I think that having to sit through a longer video intro isn’t ideal.

    As a club officer, I felt like there could’ve been more time for clubs to make videos. I understand that you guys wanted to get things running as soon as possible, so if distance learning is still a thing next year, I think it would be a good idea to plan earlier.

    I think that having designated days for clubs to post was a good idea! I know that during club season there is a lot of social media spam in general, but using the designated days was a really smart idea to help with spam.

    Ok thanks for reading! Good job!!


  9. Hi clink!
    One thing that I think would have been more helpful is to give more time for clubs to make their intro videos, however I know that there were a lot of deadlines and this was not necessarily possible. Also, the graphic for the club matrix is a bit hard to read at some parts but this is really minor. Overall, I think that club info week was executed really well, especially with the circumstances at hand. It was nice how the different categories of clubs had different times to promote, and everything was organized on the asb website and youtube playlist.

  10. hey clink!

    Overall, the virtual club info week was pretty well planned but giving more times for clubs to create an intro may have been better. Also, more specific guidelines on what the video should look like (i'm not sure but i think clubs approached filming differently that made their videos more appealing).

    Great job, this was a tough event to plan with all the clubs going virtual!

  11. Hey Clink!

    Great job on planning a successful virtual club info week! I think many students, especially Freshmen were able to get exposed to the different clubs on campus. It's definitely better to notify clubs perhaps a week or two in advance, so there's more time to prepare. Besides that, I think the event was planned very well. The promo was great and the integration of club info on the new ASB website helped a lot with club info exposure.

    - Joe

  12. hihi clink!

    congrats on a successful virtual club info week! i think it went absolutely amazing, especially with having to organize all those clubs and try to get the word out virtually, y'all did such a great job! i specifically remember loving the playlist of club info vids because they were so useful when deciding which the best clubs were to take. i also used the clubs section on the asb website a lot (even now for zoom links!) so that was a really good idea. i honestly think the event was a success and you guys did an amazing job planning it :))


  13. hi clink!!

    as a club president, I remember hearing a lot of concerns (that I relayed to you guys lol) about timing for clubs. I feel like setting limits not only on in person filming but also on SPENDING for future years when we are not in a pandemic will reduce stress and burdens on clubs and officers, as several groups spent inane amounts of money to film and edit what was intended to be a casual video.

    I'd like to second what was mentioned before about a reference doc-I know there are a lot of links and information being sent out but a very streamlined doc with only what is needed (and giving clubs more time, but everyone else has already driven that point in) could be beneficial across the board.

    the usage of the ASB website and promoing the clubs section was super helpful, and I know even now as we end the semester many students I know still use it for reference. keeping that update (perhaps with club website for future years) could be good going forward.

    congrats overall clink <33


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