Quarantine Art Showcase

hi everyone! clink just wrapped up quarantine art and would love to receive feedback! please read this overview before you comment to avoid repetitions:

- timeline: late nov - mid jan

- promo: through art clubs and art teachers, school wide email, instagram story, facebook post, viking games mention


- other notes: around 30 submissions, random giveaway for a prize worth $30 (it was an art set! giftcards aren't allowed)

- what went well: we overall consider this event a success because promo went well and we had a solid amount of submissions. we were able to target more of a niche and catered to artists. incentivizing it also helped! most importantly, people submitted amazing pieces. 

what could be different: as we mentioned, compressing the timeline would have been favorable since it dragged over a couple of months primarily because we had a long window to collect submissions and took time to make the scrapbook graphics. speaking of the graphics, we could have simplified their style so it wouldn't take as long.

thank you to Carolyn, whoever reposted the scrapbook graphics on their story, and social for the mention during viking games!! <33


  1. hi rec!!

    good job with quarantine art!!! i think lately, asb has been having trouble with getting participation from students, so i think that catering this event towards a smaller niche was a very good solution! there seemed to be a good amount of participation for this event, and the $30 gift card was a good incentive as well. there are so many talented artists at lynbrook, and i think it's nice to give them an opportunity to share their work! as for the timeline, i don't think that is that big of an issue to stretch it out, because that could give artists a longer deadline to submit a nicer piece if that makes sense! if i were a student who was considering participating in quarantine art, if the deadline was too soon, that would seem discouraging.

    overall good job! i hope we can continue a similar art showcase next year!!!



    i think you guys did a beast job with the art event, especially considering how saturated people are becoming with online challenges and fun weeks and so forth. i genuinely think that it was a pretty new and different event that served as a nice and refreshing change from the other things we had going on. you guys handled it really great and i think that the large timeline was actually very good rather than something that should have been compressed, solely for the fact that it gives people room to breathe considering different schedules and how busy some participants may be. u guys did really well fr it was a fire event :D

  3. hi CLINK!

    I thought this event went really well! You got a lot of participation, and the art was amazing. I also liked how some teachers participated as well. I don't think the event ran long since there were finals and a two-week break in between sign-ups and the final posts, and I don't think students noticed either. Your graphics were really cool and I think it was definitely worth the time and effort. I know you mentioned simpler graphics, but I think the fancy graphics you used attracted more people's attention on social media. Overall, this was an amazing online event!

  4. hi clink!

    first of all GREAT job on the quarantine art showcase! i genuinely enjoyed looking through all the pieces, especially the ones that i knew my friends had submitted haha. i think you did a great job coming up with an idea that specifically targeted one niche. i really liked how each of the cover pieces for the graphics fit together, and also how they all had a cohesive theme. the participation, promo, and end result are great!

    also, i agree with everyone else about how the long timeline was actually a good thing. but next time, i think more communication detailing that timeline would be helpful. communication to both the ASB class and the artists. for example "you will have 2 months so submit your pieces, a short description, and optionally a pic of yourself". that would make the timeline very clear to the artists and the class.

  5. Hey clink,

    I genuinely think you guys made a really good job doing the entire quarantine art showcase project. I think starting off the project idea was original and intriguing. I think it was a really really good move to try to narrow it down to a niche so that more people would join and I think I will use that way of thinking in the future when making projects. The way you promoted it was really cool I think and I think it led to more people joining up. I think you guys got the results you wanted for this project and I applaud you for that.

    tl:dr : good project idea, great job targeting a niche, and very nice promo! :)

  6. Hey Clink,

    I really enjoyed the quarantine art showcase! There were a ton of submissions and engagement, and it was super amazing to see all of the great art pieces and their backstories. I thought that targeting a specific niche was a fantastic choice, and I think a lot of people will be emulating it in the future. I thought that maybe designing a website or maybe a more permanent location for the submissions (and possibly future events as well?) would be really helpful and cut down the overall design process over many different iterations and events. The Instagram was really nice but didn't stick on people's feeds for too long. As for compressing the timeline, I feel like this could be a year-round thing(?) since it's a showcase, where you can accept art from any time throughout the year and have it be featured (with one major push for a deadline like you did this year).

  7. hi clink!

    great job on the quarantine art showcase! I thought the even was super fun and a great way to acknowledge all the artists here at Lynbrook. I thought reaching out to clubs was a really great idea, especially because of how specific this even was. One way I think you guys could've maybe added to your promo was posting on the Lynbrook Facebook Group as well. These showcase type posts definitely look better on instagram, but there's still a good amount of students who rely on facebook to get their info, so I think it wouldn't hurt to add a post there as well. Otherwise, great job clink!!

  8. hi clink,

    I really loved this event, I think it's really nice to bring some recognition to the artists in our school, especially since asb doesn't tend to do many events that are more niche. I think you could definitely expand this event into different types of niches in school (maybe like a photography/film/fashion showcase?). I also think the event could've been potentially broadcasted on different platforms, such as YouTube or something similar. Overall, it was a really great event, great job!

  9. Hi Clink!
    I thought that the Quarantine Art Showcase was really well executed, and that there was a great amount of participation. Reaching out to specific art clubs, as well as having the gift incentive were good ideas that really payed off. I also thought that the aesthetic was really nice and cohesive across the 4 days. I actually did not even notice that it ran long, but if there were to be anything that could be improved, then I agree that pre-making the graphics to have a more compact timeline would be good. But overall I thought that this event went really well and looked great!

  10. hi clink!

    The quarantine art showcase was well planned and executed. Posting on the lynbrookasb instagram was a great way to continue promotion throughout the event, encouraging more submissions. To increase participation, I think class officers could have been given a little blurb to post in their fb groups/instas (we'd be happy to do so! just need to know what to put) or clink could post in the class fb groups for cos to approve (whatever works!). Other than that, great job!


  11. helloo clink!

    first off, great job on quarantine art, i loved seeing all the drawings throughout the week :)

    i thought that the way that you guys targeted smaller groups to increase participation was really effective and worked well. i think that we'll definitely keep in mind when we do future projects, and was a really smart way to handle the lack of participation that we've been seeing recently.

    i agree that the timeline could've been compressed a little, although it also gave artists ample time to finish pieces or find old pieces before the deadline, which is also something to consider when asking people for art. also, i think maybe more promo could've been done with the prize? i actually didn't know that you guys were giving away an art set, not sure if that was just my bad or if you guys decided that later into the event. prizes are always a good way to get more people to participate LOL

    overall, great job! this event was really well executed and i hope to maybe see an in person version next year :))

  12. hey clink!

    i loved the quarantine art showcase! the graphics were super cute and using the classical pieces on the cover was creative so props to whoever made it. the overall idea was sweet and i dont think i minded the long timeline since it gave artists plenty of time to complete their art. i also liked how you guys contacted art clubs and teachers to promote your event.

    here are additional ideas for future references:
    - maybe have specific categories of art. e.g. paintings, drawings, 3d art, etc? i know there was a mix of different art forms but having a list of categories might be helpful for organizing submissions.
    - you guys can also set some sort of overall theme so it ties everything together better!

    i'm excited to see what this event will look like in person next year! (hopefully LOL)
    good job guys <3

  13. Hi clink!! (ahah I love how peeps thought this was rec)

    First off can I just say WOW! I absolutely loved the quarantine art showcase! I was amazed because it really caught my eye compared to other events that happened over last semester. I really loved the way this event attracted people and it didn't really have the feeling of "oh another ONLINE event please no." It didn't give me or my friends the type of fatigue most of us were having from online events and I know that is something all the commissions are struggling to overcome so fantastic job on that! Overall, I really enjoyed the event and didn't feel like it was stretched out.

  14. hea!

    im in agreement with everyone else quarart was so good! we even had people dming the asb instagram to see if they could participate when the posts started going up! i agree with carolyn that the promo for the prize could have been more present. for that initial graphic posted if we had written that there was a prize in it i think maybe more people would enter just for fun but not sure if you guys had planned that so far in advance! other than that congrats on a successful event!

  15. Clink!
    Good jobbbb I was genuinely super impressed by the quarantine art posts on instagram and I think the aesthetic eye-catching cover photos really helped with audience engagement and encouraged people to check out the posts and scroll to see the art.
    I do agree that this event seemed a little dragged out, but I think it all worked out in the end because of how meticulous the planning was. I really like the idea of focusing on one niche and being able to help spotlight one specific group, and I think participation was pretty good as well, considering that we had to split the art into multiple posts. I think another option for this event would be separate the art into categories and post the submissions by category, because I did think that although it was clear that the art was diverse, it might seem more organized and easy to look at they all had a common theme (sketches, paintings, watercolors, etc.).
    Hopefully this event can happen in person next year, but I think this was one of our most successful virtual events so congrats to all of clink!

  16. Community link !

    - hi friends, as someone who submitted an art piece, I was super impressed with the layout and design of the quarantine art posts. yay Marissa for copying and pasting each individual watercolor letter on my piece.
    - As others said earlier, the timing turned out okay. When I received the email for the post, I had totally forgotten about my submission and was a nice surprise to see my artwork.
    - Promotion: Mr. Reynolds mentioned it like once during class, but he didn't mention logistics like the link to submit, the due date, etc. So, people from the art class didn't rlly submit. Maybe write like a short script or something for him to post/say.

    Overall very excellent job. Looking forward to if you guys have a part 2!!

  17. hii clink!

    overall, i agree that this event was such a success!! it was a great way to encourage people to take part in school community w/out having to put themselves under the spotlight too much. here are some things i thought were really cool or could use enhancement:

    - i love the prize idea,, a gift card or cash tends to be impersonal, but gifting an art set is so adorable!
    - i think choosing the winner randomly was best in this case but i wish there was another way, maybe an anonymous vote from the lynbrook staff (no student names would be revealed to the staff during voting, just the artwork and/or description) so it wouldn't be a popularity contest but still fair?
    - maybe for additional promo, there could've been a quick story graphic for people to add their artwork or repost their friend's submission from the asb posts (similar to the club interest week promo graphics)

    this was such a great idea and y'all executedd!! hope to see more like this :))

  18. Hey Clink!!

    All I can say is that Quartart was off the Ch-Arts (get it hehe) ! I think in terms of promo the emails and less-spammy forms of promo were a really good idea. I personally also agree with Carolyn and Calais with the fact that I think the "prize " part of quartart wasn't super emphasized. I think other than that, I wouldn't worry about the drawn out period of time because the event wasn't super invasive and super chill/lowk. Great job recognizing all the amazing artists at Lynbrook and I can't wait for a part 2;)

  19. hey clink!

    you guys did an incredible job with quarantine art! it was so so nice to see so many artists featured on the lynbrook asb instagram, and i loved looking through all of the talent and descriptions, and overall i think this was a great way to engage a niche audience that everyone at lynbrook can enjoy. here's some things for next time (although it might not be in quarantine!)

    - it seems like promo through art clubs and teachers is so so much more effective than just "typical" pr! i'm not sure how much promo there was, but 30+ submissions is definitely a huge success :)
    - it would be nice to feature on more platforms! facebook, lynbrook app
    - open up submissions to teachers as well?
    - i was completely unaware of the prize, but the idea was v cute! maybe let the winner choose what kind of art gift under $30?

  20. Hey CLINK!

    You guy did an amazing job with Quarantine Art! I would even say that this project was up there as one of the most participated ASB events of the year. I remember seeing a TON of submissions every day, and I am amazed at the diligence and passion all of you displayed in making this event a success! Although not really huge area to improve on, I think something that could be helpful to keep in mind is active promotion of your event. I knew that Quarantine Art was something that was happening because I was in ASB, but I think it would have been very useful if you gave maybe weekly updates on the types of art being submitted. You guys did a great job of culminating the event with your instagram posts, but I think it would have been really neat if you released one piece a week leading up to it to create hype or as a sneak-peak into the rest of the art. Speaking of the art, for the next art week (which I am sure there will be) perhaps you can also look into publishing the art in office or in some other area instead of just the gram!

    But all in all, this was a super successful event. KUDOS to ALL of you!!

  21. hi clink!

    Shout out to y'all for putting on an amazing event! It was definitely a breath of fresh air, and something completely new for the student body to enjoy. I think the concept was executed wonderfully, and I can't compliment you guys enough on putting this together as well as you did!! As you mentioned in your reflections, I think that possibly shortening the submission time could've helped the project gain more hype. I think 3 months was a little too long, and if you guys do choose to pursue this next year I think we could focus a month on an art showcase, where we could have weekly "working sessions", where we could open up the den for people to work, or if we're still virtual we could talk to the art department and have art teachers offer critiques on the art work. That could be even more beneficial because a lot of students don't take art but still doodle in their free time, and I think that could be another potential draw.

    Outside of the timeline, I think this was a perfect project, and I wanted to congratulate y'all on a successful project, and I hope to see this again next year :)

  22. Hi Clink!

    Great job on the Quarantine Art Showcase! I really loved how the whole thing was presented, and it seemed like those participating felt really passionate about what they were doing (from there little blurbs) which was awesome! I know the graphics took a really long time, but I thought they were super cute and really packaged the event well!

    I think for the future, maybe we can have an activity for the rest of the school to do as well. Perhaps like a simple instagram doodle to both promo the event and also make the student body feel more included and invested. Overall, great job though!

    - Emma


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