Charity Week

hi everyone!!

thank you to everyone for donating to charity week! 2021 won the class competition so the proceeds went to mental health america.

what went well:

- raised $330!

- more participation compared to Wildfire fundraiser

- promoted well

    - instagram spam (thank you PR)

    - facebook infographics (thanks Marissa :))

    - email to whole student body 

    - announced in homeroom 

- teacher pieing videos well received (thx mr lee)

what we learned:

- very tedious and difficult to donate online 

    - long process

        --> led to low participation 

- hard to incentivize

- no more online fundraisers this year probably 

- there were a lot of problems with the link to donate

    - website cache wasn't cleared, many people couldn't access website 

        --> coordinated with MV admin and fixed website issues for future use

- mostly ASB participation 

- mixup with pieing supplies for teachers--> hard to communicate/coordinate, should start contacting earlier 


- commlink


  1. hey clink!

    great job in raising $330! To improve student participation, I think you should have a live points update on instagram or the lynbrook app. In the past when charity week was made a class competition like coin wars, students were encouraged by being able to see/estimate the class totals(both from the whiteboard and the jars).

    You could have ASB students donate first to kick things off. Also, tying charity week in with another "hype" event may improve participation. events like rallies or hoco that students already feel competitive about.


  2. hi clink!!!

    congrats, this fundraiser worked out better than the wildfire one, so good job with that! i really liked the pieing videos, that was a very good idea and if you continue fundraisers next year or whenever they won't have to take place online, you could continue to implement teacher participation as an incentive. I understand why you guys won't do fundraisers for the rest of the year, to the general student body, the whole donation process is really lengthy and its easier to just not donate. Doing some kind of update on the Lynbrook app or on Instagram could motivate students to donate, or making a comprehensive tutorial on how to donate.

    other than that, good job!

    - suanna

  3. hi clink!!

    Great job on raising $330 on the fundraiser!! As for the issues, I think what would be a really good idea would be to talk to the other schools in FUHSD and see how they fundraise, because I know that some schools are fundraising in the $1000 range this year and that might help with some other ideas that steer away from mostly ASB kids participating and an overall lack of participation from the student body. I can see you guys did that with MV admin for the tech issues so talking to other schools would be super beneficial.

    - Zoe

  4. Hey Clink!

    Congrats on raising so much money under such difficult circumstances! Online fundraising is rather difficult, and if we were to do something in the future (which I know isn't likely), I think having a discussion with admin to see if any part of the process could be streamlined would be worthwhile.

    On another note, the teacher pieing was super well received! I know that everybody in my Homeroom perked up and watched when they saw what was going on, and with the precedent we established in this video, if we ever do pieing again/include some other incentive, the chances that people would be interested might be higher as well. Lynbrook seems to really enjoy competition (like coin wars), so implementing a class-based incentive might be something to consider. I also agree with Zoe in that talking with some students and other schools could be helpful for some fresh ideas as well.

    Overall, it was amazing!

  5. hi clink!

    congrats on getting more participation on this fundraiser! from an outside perspective, everything went smoothly, and the aftermath (the pie-ing in the PR video) was super entertaining.

    one suggestion i have to 1. build up more hype for the event (and future events similar to this one) 2. make the video even more entertaining, is to add some sort of plot/funny voiceover/commentary to the pie-ing video. there was definitely nothing wrong with just the teachers pie-ing themselves, but it'd be even funnier if you added some sort of "here we see mr./ms. _____ in his/her natural habitat.... (mr./ms. ______ slowly creeps around) and the only food around is a delicious pie! but oh no, what's this? the pie is moving, it's in the air! *SQUISH* ah. the circle of life." it might require more effort, but i don't think it would be too difficult in future in-person years.

    once again, great job!
    - kyrsten

  6. hellooo clink!

    10/10 job with the fundraiser, always nice to see donations to support important causes, even when we're virtual.

    i think that the pieing was definitely a really great way to incentivise getting more students to donate, and maybe letting students vote on which teachers they wanna see get pied in the future would also encourage them to donate. i think like zoe mentioned earlier, connecting with other schools and seeing what they've been doing to increase donations would also be a helpful way to get more forms for donating that are better suited for a student audience.

    amazing job with raising $330! y'all did a great job :D

  7. Hi again clink,

    Good job with charity week! I really like fundraiser projects and its always nice to see them. I like that you guys were able to improve from the forest fire fundraiser and its nice to see growth. Regarding the link problems maybe you could run diagnostics on everything beforehand just to make sure that things run more smoothly in the future.

    Good job guys!

  8. Hey community link!

    Great job on raising $330 for charity week! I thought the graphics on Facebook and instagram were well made and definitely increased participation for Charity week.

    I agree with Johnathan that having some kind of scoreboard or way to track the amount of money each class has will increase competition and add more of an incentive to donate. Next time, for technical issues do a test run a day before just to make sure that the link works.

    Overall, this was a challenging project with all the complications for donations, so great job!!

    - Lindsey

  9. hello racahna and commlink!

    this event was super difficult to plan and anticipate participation for but i really commend you for putting it on and raising so much money!! i don't have many suggestions for future online fundraisers--i know the link problems were out of your control! i think we can try new types of fundraisers next year and play off of holidays like Valentine's Day with buying care packages for friends (like MV's fundraiser) it'll definitely be easier in person!!

  10. hey clink!

    from an outside view I think it ran smoothly. 1 thing I think that could have been improved is promotion especially getting classes to promote. there wasn't much outside participation so using hoco dance gc, inner class gcs, having leg council reps promote and upping the incentive.

    also switching from 3d cart if possible would be ideal!


  11. Hi Clink!

    Great job raising over $300! I know that especially in this online format, incentivising students to donate is really difficult. There's lots of fundraising efforts going on in social media at all times, so I was thinking, maybe you could ask homeroom teachers to talk about the causes we're raising money for, and create an emotional video showing the importance of helping the cause to share in homeroom, so students can see what they're really donating to, and then take action right then and there because they'd be on a computer rather than their phone.

    - Emma

  12. Hey Clink!

    Awesome job raising $330!!! I think the main issue was definitely the website bug. I had to refresh a few times and try different browsers to get it working. I’m glad to hear that it’s already fixed!!! I think we also could’ve gotten more participation if we released a live count of the donations on the app. Perhaps we could’ve manually entered in the counts every hour or set up some automation and link up the google form with the app. I hope for future fundraisers, we can utilize the app more! :)

    - Joe

  13. hey clink! I think that you had a really tough challenge to raise funds online but you absolutely killed it by raising $330! I think in the future we should look into setting up an ASB venmo or paypal account going forward for fundraisers like these. I know we won't have many more online fundraisers but even once we're in person i know that a lot of people don't carry cash or if they do they carry big bills so that might make things easier going forward, which would also result in more donations because as you mentioned, the donating process was very tedious.

    overall awesome job, congrats on a great fundraiser!

    - pranay

  14. Hola Clink commission :)

    Great job with this year's charity week. I know from personal experience how tough the fundraising process is and the fact that you guys were able to raise 300 dollars all online is super impressive. I think it definitely would be beneficial to you guys to think about keeping online donations even when you guys are in school next year just because people are more and more leaning away from hard money. I think what would help would have been really sitting down and thinking about incentives. I know a lot of these online donations are dependent on people getting something back so upping the level of dares or challenges would be I think more interesting to Lynbrook as a whole!

  15. hello hello, clink!

    thank you for such an amazing charity week!! you all did such a great job planning. participation online was probably the biggest concern which, as an underclassmen without paying apps like venmo or paypal, it became really hard to donate. normally in person there are many options to donate loose change and bills at the tables/jars which couldn't happen this year. regardless, y'all were still able to collect a lot for such an amazing cause.

    thank you guys again!!

  16. Hey Clink!

    Good job for trying charity week again! I agree that one of the biggest impediments to the event were the website bugs. Many people who wanted to donate probably had, at best, lukewarm enthusiasm to do so, and once they saw that it would be a hassle to work around the website bugs, might have given up permanently. In the future, we should really look into allowing Venmo so that students our age find it convenient do donate. But of course, assuming we go back to school, the best method is still having cash jars purely because the sight of who's winning/losing will drive competition. Overall great job though!



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