Business Spotlight

hi asb!! clink did our small business spotlight this past year! this included two Instagram posts that both featured two businesses. some more details:

-  business spotlight originally began as an online marketplace idea where we were hoping to connect Lynbrook students to businesses of other students in a marketplace of some sort. we weren't able to do that because of school rules, so we decided that because we still wanted to do something for/with small businesses, we'd turn it into an appreciation and recognition based project. 

- a form was sent out in the beginning of the year (emailed and PR video) for businesses to sign up to be featured. several did and we posted them!

- businesses that had Instagrams were tagged and the post were ran by them before we posted!

feel free to let us know any thoughts and suggestions you have! 

<3 clink


  1. Hey comm link!

    I loved this idea, especially because it's really important to promote/support our very own Lynbrook small businesses. I think a lot of students liked the idea as well because both the business posts got more likes than a lot of other posts on the Instagram account. An idea for the future (when we have in person school) could be to let these business sell at school events? For example something like Chewmi bakery could sell their desserts at dances? It's just a thought but I think it would help support their business. Overall great idea!!


  2. hey clink!

    I think it is a great idea to have an event where students can connect with each other and expand on their business endeavors. I think you could have two separate events, one for recognition on the lynbrookasb account and one in-person. The in-person event could be formatted like a science fair, except for business!

    I think you should continue to post on either fb/insta story the signups for businesses that want to be featured instead of only releasing them at the beginning of the school year.


  3. clink !

    amazing job with this new project this year! it was probably hard to execute a virtual spotlight because as rec has learned with holh, lookbook, and cookbook, it can be hard to get responses and student engagement. however, i think it's super impressive that the posts were consistent every week, and the graphics were also really well put together.

    something you can think about for next year is possibly having a physical spotlight board on the bulletin boards on campus, but of course we can only hope the covid situation gets better around then. overall, i think this is definitely a project that we should continue, and great job this year !

    - sydnie

  4. Hey Clink!

    Awesome work with the business spotlight this year! I know how hard it was starting a new event this year so to implement this with the success it had is a great accomplishment! Other than the occasional article on The Epic, there never has any recognition towards students and their businesses so you guys did a great job on targeting a niche, untapped demographic. Some things to think about for next year as you continue this event is how you can expand your efforts so that promoting these businesses don't stop at just social media posts. I really like what Jash said in his earlier post about giving these businesses a spotlight to promote their products. For example, maybe during lunch, you can have a designated spot (like the student store) that carries items from student's businesses because I know there are a couple that specialize in making handcrafted items.

  5. hi clink,

    great job on small business spotlight! i really liked this event because small business run by lynbrook students can get unnoticed when everything is virtual. i'd love to see more posts throughout the year if you guys are planning to continue this event, or even an in-person version! i think something like this could be combined with club food day, it might be cool to have a station just for small businesses.

    its good that you guys ran the posts through the business owners themselves and i thought the graphics were really really nice and aesthetic! however, one thing id like to mention is that recognizing small businesses kiiind of overlap with the recognition commission, but overall, great job on this event!

  6. hey clink!

    this was a super fun project, and i didn't know that a lot of these businesses existed so i think it was successful in spotlighting them! i agree with how there could be potential overlap with rec and therefore there could be some inter-commission collaboration on this project in following years.

    i think the opportunity to potentially have an in person version of business spotlight next year would be really interesting, i think it's quite difficult for business owners to gain traction on ig especially after this year. giving them the opportunity to sell their products on campus would be really helpful in boosting their business, and i think a lot of them would appreciate that!

    looking forward to seeing this project grow next year!

  7. Hi Clink!

    Great job with the event! I thought it was really nice to be able to expand beyond just Lynbrook clubs but to outside organizations led by Lynbrook students as well. I guess one question I had was if it would be possible to do the marketplace idea in person next year as maybe an extension for Club Food Day? I think it would be interesting for Lynbrook students to be engaged with businesses or different job opportunities as high school is also about getting some real life experience in the working field. Maybe it wouldn't be limited to only student-run organizations but also other companies that are interested in this opportunity for high school students. Again, not too sure if the school rules will allow that but I think it would be great in engaging more areas of our community. Great idea and looking forward to see how it'll grow next year!

    - Anton :)

  8. hii clink!

    business spotlight was such a cute idea and y'all executed amazingly! the graphics were so cute and you got quite a good number of responses too. with all the different online businesses that started over quarantine, this was such a great idea to get them publicity. the only thing i would recommend is that you readvertise near the middle/end of the year so people remember that they can submit their businesses to get spotlighted.

    other than that, i loved the idea and the execution, great job guys!!

  9. hiya clink!

    first off, I loved the idea for this event!! It was really amazing of you all to spotlight different businesses and go beyond the range of Lynbrook! I think you all had such cute graphics, but the only thing is that they seemed to die off towards the end of the school year. So just make sure to post continuously (it's something we struggled with too this year with year-long events) and that should remind people about your event! but again, awesome job!

    - Zoe

  10. hi clink!

    i really loved business spotlight, i think it's a really great way to bring more exposure to the students at lynbrook. i think throughout the year there could've been more posts featuring more accounts, and I think within each post it would be kind of cool to also feature the specific products that they sell, and maybe also photos of "behind the scenes" from the business owners. overall, it was really cute so great job!

    - katie

  11. hey clink!

    I absolutely love this business spotlight idea. I've seen a lot of small business at Lynbrook that don't get enough recognition! I had a small business myself in my junior year and I wish there was a business spotlight back then that would help me promote my business. There are so many talented entrepreneurs at Lynbrook, and while having clubs like DECA and FBLA help those students showcase their business skills, the startups are where they can truly explore their creativity and entrepreneurship. I can see how business spotlight can help them further their small business and make their dreams a reality! In the next few years, I hope we're able to highlight a diverse range of small business and maybe even have small businesses collaborate with each other. There can be pop-up shops in the quad where small businesses can sell and promote their products in person!

    - sarah cheah

  12. hi clink!!

    the business spotlight was such a wonderful idea! I loved all the graphics, and I think this event is something students really appreciate. I really like to idea of selling small business's products at craft fairs, and I think it'd be really nice if that can be implemented next year especially since graphics are starting to lose their affect. Along with that, pasting flyers around school might be a good alternative to graphics since we'll most likely be in person, and I think students would like looking at something tangible after all the screen staring.

    - Emma

  13. hello community link

    congrats on another great virtual event! a virtual marketplace would be super cool but i'm so glad you guys still highlighted student businesses with admin restrictions. i don't know if there's any loophole we could figure out to have students be able to sell their products on campus, maybe just making it into a PTSA type event on the weekend like the craft fair where students can get a day designated to their small businesses and sell not during school hours. if not, i think continuing it as a physical board or social media series would still be great next year!

  14. Hey clink!

    The Business spotlight was a wonderful idea! I loved how even in a virtual environment you guys were able to showcase students and the hard work they put into creating something unique. I think it would be great to potentially showcase more businesses/spread out the spotlight more periodically and make it an ongoing event. I love how you guys ran the graphics through the business owners as well to make sure everything looked good. Overall great job and I can't wait to see an inperson rendition next year!

  15. Hi Clink,

    I found this project to be very well planned it made for a great event. Even if the end release was not the original intention it is good that you found a way to at least keep the spirit of the original idea for the event. I agree with some people that it would be cool to see these businesses sell in school. Just an idea for the upcoming year.


  16. Hey Clink!

    Awesome idea! I'm curious if (and this might run into conflict with some school rules) we can features student businesses at the Lynbrook Craft Faire, at a Club Food Day-style event, etc. Essentially helping them gain more exposure in-person once we go back to school. Overall awesome job!


  17. hey clink!!

    business spotlight was so cute and i absolutely loved the graphics (props to whoever made them)! as a rec member i thought the concept and execution were both awesome and you guys pulled off this event really well :)) in the future, it might be interesting to see more engagement between ASB and the businesses, such as product placement cameos in pr videos (ie. promoting Lynbrook Cookbook with Chewmi Bakery, working with a sustainable business to promote Green Weeks, etc). additionally, if the business owners are okay with it, adding personal touches such as putting a face to the brand or a behind the scenes video of how products are made/their significance to the creator/the mission of the business could be really fun!

    loved the posts this year, can't wait to see more :))

  18. Hey Clink!

    I really enjoyed the idea and seeing the businesses that were being spotlighted! I think one area members might be curious about is how the businesses are run more in-depth, so maybe you could consider hosting an interview with the business owner asking questions that could come from the audience. Just an idea, since I think many people would be curious about how the businesses are run day-to-day! Overall, awesome job on the spotlight!

  19. hi clink!

    this was an amazing idea, and i think it really strengthened the bond between ASB and the student body. in your outro, you were right when you said that businesses would never turn down free promo hahah.

    i agree with all the people above who said that this idea could be taken further! PR video commercials, a community bulletin board, etc. in addition, maybe a potential "partnership" between ASB and a student-run small business is in store. think: having businesses apply, select the "worthy" ones, then students vote on which small business product sample theyd like in the gram, gift bag, prize, etc.

    not positive on how the logistics (school approval, budgets, allergies) would go, but if the school doesn't approve it as part of an already existing event, you could always run a separate event for this. set up tables in the quad, have some small business owners set up displays/stores after school. kind of similar to the Craft Fair, but instead of just crafts it can be anything. the businesses would have to apply and be approved, of course.

    just an idea! (or two). again, great job.

  20. hey clink!

    I agree with all the previous comments suggesting migration onto campus as things get better. Another thing that could be helpful is monthly or quarterly signups, rather than just once, and perhaps connecting those businesses as vendors to clubs, for dances, or for other ASB events. It may be hard due to work permit regulations, but if they are licensed to sell, it shouldn’t be a problem.

    super cute project + good luck next year!


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