pr video(s)

 what's up asb!!

PR definitely has not forgotten to outro the last couple pr videos or decided to combine the last couple pr videos into one project, so feel free to give some feedback on what you've seen from the last [few] pr videos!

what went well:

- choosing better locations(trying to stay away from the parks that we normally film at like rainbow or kevin morant)

- trying to incorporate better script and visual transitions throughout the video

- being stricter on how much time each commission got -> led to more efficient filming

- sending out consistent reminders to commissions who signed up -> made sure that we could check scripts and that the commissions had plenty of time to review and memorize their own script, made sure that people came to filming on time as well

- having more meetings with tech to improve the vision for each video, better communication also made editing and filming go smoother 

- may pr video LOL pranav had a lot of great ideas for more unique shots with his gimbal and drone that made the video really engaging and more interesting to watch

things that could've been improved:

- inter-commission communication about who's in charge of which aspect of the video -> due to miscommunication, one commission didn't know that they were filming and we had to reschedule them to a different time that made the entire filming process really last minute

- some of the locations still were not the best, factors that we didn't anticipate lower the quality of certain clips(screaming kids at parks, highway noise, etc.)

- we probably could've added more transitions to some of the videos, dedicating one or two breakout sessions or even meeting outside of class and brainstorming visual or auditory transitions really helps make videos more engaging

what we learned:

- a little(or sometimes a lot) of extra effort goes a long way. again, just spending one or two breakouts to hammer out some fine details of the video can really enhance the quality of the video

- although pr video structure is pretty repetitive, there are definitely still ways to make them interesting

- making sure that pr videos are more evenly divided among commissioners throughout the year also improves video quality, as we don't feel burnt out after doing multiple pr videos sequentially


  1. hey pr! as a member of tech who has worked on these PR videos, I agree with everything that you said! i definitely think that as the year came to a close, we got our stuff together and ironed out the kinks in the PR video workflow that we ran into earlier on. I think that for next year, we're planning on having tech & pr co-leads for each video, as well as a really clear division of responsibilities, which I think would help address all of the concerns that you brought up! I also hope that next year, we'll give the tech leads more time to plan out each video, so that they can use more techniques and put more effort into each pr video like pranav did with this one.

  2. HELLO PR!!
    kudos to your last vid for this year, it's been a great run and you guys have definitely made the most of the year :)) I don't have much advice, I think a few things pertaining to filming:
    - weather checks are a good idea, it started raining a bit when we were filming which is all good, but maybe we want to plan around that?
    - communicating when scripts change, it was just a couple of lines but in the future, bc script changes are good for transitions, probably tell the commission beforehand

    this is a completely different note; basically my hr teacher didn't play the PR video this time, which is rare because he normally does, but for this reason and for the few teachers who don't play them and students who never get to watch them, maybe consider making the PR videos accessible one other way (like an ig story or smth). just a thought, but definitely not necessary and it hasn't been for years.

    that's all- congrats again on making it through the year <33 it was great!!
    - vijaya

  3. hi pr!!
    for the last pr video, it turned out really well! one thing i noticed was that when we were filming in saratoga downtown, it was a very public place and there were a lot of interruptions by people walking by and it took a long time to film. also, there was a little bit of background noise from that area, so a less public place with less foot traffic would probably work better next time. vijaya made a really good point about weather checks, i think it would definitely help the lighting/quality of the vid and improve continuity and consistency with the other clips in the video (and also filming in the rain is a teeny bit not fun haha). also, i think communicating earlier with commissions about filming times and how long filming would take would really help with making filming more efficient.
    good job on all the pr vids this year!!
    - rachana

  4. hi pr!
    I think all of the PR videos this year have been really good. The last two were definitely the best because the scripts were really fun. I like how you guys were thinking out of the box for the May PR video, but I don't think filming in the downtown Saratoga area was really worth it. Students don't really notice or find it interesting when ASB films in a new location. It was just more effort on the ASB students/parents to drive further/try to find parking. I think sticking to Lynbrook or areas near it work perfectly. Also, I think the planning for the May PR video was a little last minute since the commissions didn't really know when they were filming or where until the last minute. So, try to communicate as early as possible. Overall, you guys did a really good job the whole year!

  5. Hello PR!

    Fantastic job on all of the PR videos! I really enjoyed watching them during Homeroom, and they were definitely super informative and engaging. I really enjoyed how you guys tried to film at different locations, and personally, I didn't really mind the drive and traveling. However, as you guys noted in the Blogger, the fact that the conditions and environment weren't as ideas is important to maybe consider /scout out beforehand. In addition to that, I think maybe putting together a general vision/plan to each commission to include in the scripts would be helpful. Not only would it be able to possibly clear up some of the miscommunications surrounding filming times, it would also ensure the video in general matches your vision for that month (whether it be through transitions, keeping some fo the segments shorter to minimize runtime, etc). Overall, great job on the PR videos!

  6. hey pr!

    thank you so much for all your work on the pr videos this year! i think the things that you've brought up already are really good, and I think some of things that will help with pr videos next year would definitely be having more transitions because sometimes the pr videos are really fast paced and i think it would make it a little more smooth and clear to watch. as for filming locations, I think maybe at the beginning of the year, asb can work together to create a list of possible filming locations, so that we don't need to keep recycling the same locations. I think it might also be good to create like a chat for each pr video with everyone filming, so that there is one specific place to send reminders and announcements. overall, great job!

    - katie

  7. hi pr!

    Great job on all the PR videos and thank you for all your hard work this year. The PR videos were so fun to watch, and always provided information in a clear and concise manner. Also, when you guys put in extra effort to have fun transitions, students in my homeroom always seemed to notice and left nice comments in the chat. I think it's definitely worth it to continue integrating some small transitions in the future. Again great job this year!!

    - Emma

  8. pr!

    congrats on completing the last pr vid of this school year! I definitely think the small details really added up and made the overall quality of this video a lot better. The transitions between groups/clips made it a lot easier to follow along, and the change of locations made it more engaging.

    something you might want to keep in mind is that having too much going on can also be overwhelming (too many different groups, too fast-paced, etc.), but I think there was a good balance in this video. Some filming locations were super windy, so maybe try choosing more quiet/secluded areas.

    overall, i thought this pr vid came out so nice and good work :))

    - sydnie

  9. hey pr!

    Great job in adapting to the situation and making each pr video more informative and interesting. I think you should incorporate the different locations into next year's pr videos even though they have traditionally been filmed on campus. You've helped ASB gain experience in filming both on and off campus, and now you can guys can find out what's best for next year! I would agree that there needs to be more cohesion between pr/tech vision, especially because you have a different paired pr commissioner and tech commissioner working on each video. I would suggest a short conference over zoom or during breakout between the two project leads to familiarize with each other's styles and ideas for the videos. It's always better to plan ahead!

  10. hello pr!!

    good job on a whole year of pr videos! I think that all of them came out really well thanks to all the cool editing and transitions. I really agree with the point about the pr videos being divided among commissioners so they aren't burned out from doing them. It would also be really helpful from the viewer's point of view because it got slightly repetitive seeing the same faces every month, but maybe non asb peeps couldn't notice. i think my fav part about the vids were the half and half edit, where two people were filmed separately and they were timed perfectly to have a convo. I know it's really hard to pull off, but it looked really good! also the overall efficiency in the filming process definitely did improve as the year went on, but I think it was mostly cuz u guys enforced us being on time and memorizing our lines. well that's it for me, good luck on next year's vids!!

  11. Hey Pr!

    Thank you so much on all your hard work and great job on all the pr videos this year! I know that this year was especially challenging because of all the extra logistical challenges and the out of class time that you had to spend on videos this year. I really loved the editing and how well storyboarded the whole video is.

    Somethings I would keep in mind for the future, sometimes the videos would be to fast and/or the music would be too load making it a little hard to understand what's going on. Additionally, sometimes the filming locations were a little far away so maybe creating a list of all the potential filming locations? Other than that the videos were amazing and I cant wait to see more next week!

    - Aryan

  12. HEY PR!

    The videos this year really improved in quality. Tech and you guys have done an amazing job. Some things for future PR videos:
    -avoid downtowns because people make it hard to film without noise
    - maybe stop the drone shots for a little bit since they are becoming a more repetitive part of the video. Maybe replace them with the car scenes or someone in a trunk like lipdub
    - we've considered this in the past but maybe have people i the epic or staff members deliver some of their announcements as well
    -I think Vijaya's idea to also put the PR videos on IG as a story is super cool! We can also release a drive of them or put them on the fb every few months
    - have one tech and one PR person intro each video instead of 2 PR people (we'll get to see new faces + this is the way we used to do it I think!)

    - Kanav

  13. Hey PR!

    I think that the PR videos this year were really great and the filming/editing was top notch. Compared to the start of the year, I noticed that filming sessions became a lot better at sticking to schedule and ran on time which was really important. I loved that you guys continued to try and keep things creative and engaging in order to prevent things from getting too repetitive from month to month. One more thing for the future is that it would be helpful to upload PR videos to Instagram as well, because it is one of our student body's most used platforms. Other than that, keep it up!!


  14. Hi PR!

    Great job on the PR videos this year despite all the challenges with COVID and putting so much effort into everything!! First, I think what you guys have done over the last couple PR videos have been really good in terms of planning and envisioning the entire process before doing it. Improving the efficiency behind PR videos is definitely really important so its good to see that filming went a lot smoother and how having meetings led to easier editing and filming. I also liked May's video in which Pranav filmed gimbal and drone shots of the new buildings on campus, and provided a sort of different feel for the PR video. One thing I felt we could improve on was the transitions. I think last year we explored having each commission's video transition directly into the next one like Kanav catching the woah after Priyanka's toss (I think its them not too sure LOL) but it'll be cool if we had more like those next year!

    Again, great job!!!

    - Anton Ouyang

  15. Hey PR!!
    FANTASTIC WORK on the PR videos this year! They were very enjoyable to watch and also special thanks to tech for diligently editing and filming them as well. PR videos are a great way to get publicity for ASB projects as well as increase transparency, and you guys definitely did a great job making the videos with high quality productions. Something I thought could be cool for next year though, would be if we added more effects/animations. While I’m not sure how long they take, I remember Katie’s tech portfolio submission contained a really cool edit that could be used during transitions in the PR video.

  16. hi pr!!

    great job on pr videos this year and congrats on getting through it all! it might feel like pr videos get repetitive, but since each tech commissioner has a different editing style and by having interesting transitions/scripts, every pr video comes out to be super unique so congrats on switching it up this year! one thing is that some filming locations were somewhat far away and might have been difficult to get to for commissioners that cant drive yet. i really like the idea of having pr videos on instagram since it might be easier to scroll back and view the video one more time if someone missed a link or something, so maybe consider that for next year (especially since some teachers dont show the pr videos at all)

  17. heyy pr!!

    this year's pr vids have been BEAUTIFUL. the planning, organization, editing, transitions are all so amazing, so great job w executing these monthly. i do think switching up the locations a bit could be interesting, as well as the format, but honestly the videos are really nice as it is so keep it up for next year:))


  18. Hey PR!

    Awesome job on this year's PR videos! I think one of the best outcomes from remote learning has been an increased focus on the technical production of our PR Videos — the quality of filming and editing has really gone up so well! I agree with the other commenters that it would be cool if we could include PR videos on social media too for those who missed seeing them in class or want to rewatch another clip.

    Excellent work on PR videos this year!

  19. hey pr!

    i've loved watching and being a part of our pr videos this year! you guys did a great job of editing creative transitions/scripts even with our wonky circumstances this year and i hope that next year we have more flexibility to made even more engaging videos! if possible, i think that we could publish an announcement graphic alongside out pr videos on the lynbrook instagram with all the important dates + events so that if some teachers don't show the video/students don't catch thing then there'll be another post they can refer to with all the information.

    great job this year!


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